
The Qinchang Village Community Center is located in Qinchang Village, Xiuwu County,an ancient town in central China, with a history that dates back to as early as 1000b.c., when King Wu of Zhou Dynasty named the town after his great triumph.

▼项目鸟瞰,aerial view of the building ©张超

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The community center is located at the eastern periphery of the village, adjacent to the vast village residential courtyard houses to its west while bordering the county main street and community park immediately to its east as well as rye fields further east. It was renovated from an existing CPC village branch office on site, which was a cold and distant walled two-story building covered in grey tiles. The 50-meter-long courtyard had separated the western residential areas from the eastern traffic and nature, making it necessary for pedestrians to bypass in order to get from one side to the other.

▼项目鸟瞰,位于三岔路口,aerial view of the building located at the periphery of the village ©张超

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▼项目顶视,top view of the building ©张超

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▼庭院顶视图,top view of the courtyard ©张超

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我们最初接到的设计任务之一,是思考党群活动中心建筑与共产主义信仰的关系: 信仰建筑既呼唤高于日常生活和感官享乐的审美超越, 又常同时承担社交、聚会、组织和凝聚群众的功能, 体现了一种日常生活美学;在秦厂,我们试图探索这两种看似截然相反维度的交叠和平衡,尝试设计一种新型的“信仰建筑”。

The project explores the duality of both transcendence and everyday life aesthetics. On one hand, it calls for sublime feelings of transcendence and exaltation; On the other hand, being the only public facility building in the village, the community center naturally would need to accommodate multiple functions, serving as a venue for events and gatherings, an office for the local administrative committee as well as a destination where villagers would take a walk to after dinner, or simply hang out during the day.

▼设计策略,design strategy ©Studio 10

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We have taken our inspirations from archetypes of the local traditional earth shelter courtyard dwellings on one hand, opened up the courtyard walls by replacing them with arched veranda, creating a cloister that is open on three sides. Pedestrian experience between the west and east sides is thus enhanced with the increased porosity, while the cloister has provided a gathering and hang-out space for villagers of all age.

▼项目外观,设置半透明阳光板,external view of the building with translucent PC panel ©张超

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▼拱廊形成多孔边界,方便人们穿行,arched corridor increasing porosity, providing a gathering space for the villagers ©张超

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The original blackboards at the gate have been preserved. In today’s “Age of Information and Smart Phones”, villagers would still take a walk regularly after dinner to the blackboards bulletin for obtaining information and exchanging gossips with acquaintances run into.

▼项目入口,保留黑板报和布告栏,entrance of the project, the blackboards have been preserved ©张超

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On the other hand, the planar arches used repeatedly on the facades of the old building has been reinforced and extracted, reappearing as the motif throughout the project in a symbolic manner. By veiling the massing of the building with layers of translucent PC panel, geometric forms have been completed and articulated, while the translucency has added a sense of lightness, ambiguity and surreality to the “immaculate” geometry.

▼从入口看向庭院,view to the courtyard from the entrance ©张超

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▼对称的庭院,symmetrical courtyard ©张超

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▼建筑立面采用PC板,PC panels used on the facade ©张超

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Furthermore, by providing low-speed seating zones on the western pavement, the latter has become an extension of the east-west pedestrian flows; By removing the northern walls and burying the originally open septic tank into ground, the north facade now has redefined the northern alley interface, carrying along the openness from the other sides.

▼人行道成为拱廊和庭院的延伸,pavement becoming the extension of the corridor and the courtyard ©张超

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▼从人行道透过拱廊看向庭院,view to the courtyard through the corridor from the pavement ©张超

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▼拱廊与庭院,arched corridor and the courtyard ©张超

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▼入口大厅,entrance lobby ©张超

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▼二层活动空间,activity space on the second floor ©张超

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▼办公室,office ©张超

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▼卫生间,toilet ©张超

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当夜幕降临,从乡镇赶来的居民在党群活动中心前的街道自发摆起了地摊,携家带口的村民通过拱型门洞进入庭院开始了直播;阿姨们自发在院子里排练起广场舞, 吸引不少围观者。

On a late summer afternoon, kids would practice their roller skating skills in the matrix of dried birch trunks to which timeline information carved out on bronze plates are fixed. When night falls, villagers would voluntarily start night markets on the street in front of the Community Center, first-time visitors would start live stream broadcasts on their social media in the courtyard, where senior ladies attract large audiences as they rehearse their group dance.

▼庭院夜景,night view of the courtyard ©张超

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▼外观夜景,北立面采用半透明PC板,external view in the night, north facade with translucent PC panels ©张超

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In the distance, boundaries are blurred while ideology and nature are intertwined and integrated with the human dimension. Qinchang Village CPC Branch Office has become a center that serves the community as well as a lively place of gathering.

▼总平面图,site plan ©Studio 10

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▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Studio 10

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▼立面图,facade ©Studio 10

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▼剖面图,sections ©Studio 10

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Location: Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo, Henan Province, China Status: Completed 2020 Area: 780sqm Client: Village Committee of Qinchang, Chengguan Town, Xiuwu, Henan Province, China Architectural and Interior Design Consultant: Studio 10 Principal‐in‐charge: Shi Zhou Design Team: An Huang, Chunhui Mo, Cristina Moreno Cabello, Meishi Zhao, Xin Zheng, Zixia Huang, Hao Wu(Intern), Liangyu Shen(Intern), Feifei Chen(Project Assistant), Jiaxiao Bao(Project Assistant), Ming Tang(Project Assistant) (in alphabetical order) Special Consultant: Shuaijun Han, Pengfei Chen Graphic Design Consultant: SURE Design Lighting Design Consultant: Matt Lighting Design Associates Construction Drawings Consultant: Zhengzhou Kaiwu Landscape Design Ltd. Construction: Henan Chuanghui Architecture & Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. Photographer: Chao Zhang, Studio 10, Hongjie Hou, Qinchang CPC Branch Studio10 Instagram: studio10design

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