
Tangshan Mine Bookstore of Librairie Avant-grade is located within the Tangshan Mine Park in Nanjing. Tangshan Mine Park is an important model of double repair in Nanjing and even domestic cities in recent years. It was once the location of Longquan Quarry, the largest abandoned mine in Tangshan. After the overall ecological restoration and landscape reconstruction, it has been reborn as an open theme park integrating viewing experience and recreation.

▼书店全景鸟瞰,aerial view © 时差影像



The project originated from a 20-meter-high double-barrel brick kiln that had been abandoned for many years at the entrance to the Mine Park. And it was during the later planning and construction of the park that the Tangshan Mine Bookstore of Librairie Avant-grade was decided to locate there. Librairie Avant-grade is an important cultural card for Nanjing and the country as a whole. The project was driven and challenged by the need to create a harmonious symbiosis between the old and the new, and to create a commercially adaptable cultural experience space for the identified bookstore business, while incorporating the characteristics of the site and respecting the landscape of the site.

▼书店屋顶与矿坑宕口,the roofline of the bookstore dialogues with the hillside of the pit park © 时差影像


▼北侧沿路人视,view from the north side © 时差影像



▼北侧看书店与砖窑,north facade © 时差影像


The brick kiln is located near the entrance to the park, adjacent to the visitor center and the ecological car park, and is prominently positioned within the whole park. In order to deal with the complex site situation, the overall strategy of the design is to extract the prototype of the double barrel of the brick kiln as well as transform the vertical form into a horizontal form and the barrel into an arch. The arch not only echoes the form of the brick kiln, but also has a classical and spiritual form that matches the inherent ethos of the Librairie Avant-grade. The horizontal double arches are then stretched, separated, cut and rotated to design and lay out the corresponding planes according to the basic function of the bookshop.

▼从公园入口看书店,view from the entrance of the park © 时差影像


▼书店与砖窑,the bookstore and the brick kiln © 时差影像



Firstly, we excavated and repaired the slope of the hill in the site. The difference in height of the site enriches the spatial hierarchy in the vertical orientation of the building. The partial roof on the ground floor links the front square, the grassy slope to the north, and the hill lawn behind it into a whole, where the building, the landscape and the hill are integrated into each other.

▼场地的高差丰富了建筑竖向上的空间层次,the difference in height of the site enriches the spatial hierarchy in the vertical orientation of the building © 时差影像


▼二层屋面露台,the roof terrace on the second floor © 时差影像



▼轴测分解图,axon exploded ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


The abandoned brick kiln with a height of about 20 meters has formed a visual commanding height in the vertical direction. The new building intervenes horizontally, using the ‘arch’ form to establish a typological link with the originally isolated brick kiln, and collating the old and new buildings into a layered whole through the isomorphism of design elements, thus forming a balanced and complete visual composition.

▼书店入口看混凝土拱,view to the concrete arch from the entrance © 时差影像



The original brick kiln had a ‘ruined’ aesthetic and the design attempts to reinforce this aesthetic tendency with a combination of ‘red brick + concrete’. The walls of the new building and the landscape wall of the site use red brick as the primary building material to continue the texture of the brick kiln, while the arches are cast in concrete, echoing the exposed quarry outcrops on the hillside of the pit park.

▼书店入口,bookstore entrance © 时差影像



▼剖透视,sectional perspective ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


In the design, we have tried to reduce the materiality and ornamentation of the books and to emphasize their authenticity and subjectivity, thus ‘shaping a poetic reading space with a pioneering spiritual orientation’. The bookstore consists of three arched cylinders, which are interconnected on the ground floor. The one-story high cylinder serves as the grey space for the entrance and the venue for the exhibition and sale of new books, the bookshop cashier and the exhibition and sale of creative products, with a span of 8 meters. The two two-story high cylinders, one for exhibitions, lecture theatres and book sales, and the other for the café, both spanning 10 meters.

▼入口处看展售空间,exhibition and sale space © 时差影像


▼咖啡厅与台阶主厅,café and the lecture theatre © 时差影像


▼咖啡厅全景,view to the café © 时差影像



In terms of space, the bookstore combines a cultural space (reading space) with a spiritual space. On the one hand, the bookshelves within the ‘cultural space’ are set within easy reach according to the human scale, providing convenience for readers to select and read. On the other hand, the large concrete arches and skylights in the vertical direction create a tall and striking ‘spiritual space’, which transcends a single function and tries to create a balance and resonance between the material and the spiritual.

▼大台阶与二层展廊,the lecture theatre and the gallery on the upper floor © 时差影像


▼书架与台阶,bookshelves and stairs © 时差影像


▼室内书架,bookshelves © 时差影像



The interior wall of the bookshop has no additional decoration, highlighting the color of the material itself. The double wall not only saves energy but also hides the equipment ducts and rainwater pipes. The ceiling and corridor balustrade are made of black brushed wire panels, while the large step balustrade and the café bar and corresponding staircase balustrade are integrated in the form of black lacquered steel panels. The combination of black steel, plain concrete and red brick makes for a deep and impactful space.

▼图书与文创展售空间,exhibition and sale space © 时差影像



The design includes a number of skylights in the concrete arches for light and smoke extraction, so that the interior light and shadows are dappled, interlaced and overlapped over time. In retrospect, reading, space and the touch of light are intertwined, and the cultural space is reshaped in a spiritual way, which is perhaps the architectural externalization of Librairie Avant-grade’s pursuit of spiritual sublime beauty.

▼夜景鸟瞰,night view © 时差影像


▼总平面图,site plan ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


▼模型照片,model ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


▼一层平面,plan 1F ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


▼二层平面,plan 2F ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


▼立面图,elevations ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


▼剖面图,sections ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所


▼墙身大样,wall detail ©东南大学建筑学院 & 艺合境建筑事务所









