在CA Immo公司的委托下,由丹麦3XN建筑事务所设计的“柏林立方”(cube berlin)已经正式宣布开放。这座造型极具特色的标志性建筑坐落在柏林市中心历史悠久的华盛顿广场,旨在提供创新且智能的办公空间。作为柏林新兴的公共场所之一,项目所在的场地为这座新地标提供了理想的环境,使其在可持续性、设计、数字化和舒适度方面均展现出最优秀的水平。“柏林立方”也是Europacity整体规划(以柏林火车站为中心的新兴城区)中的一个重要组成部分。

CA Immo, client of Danish architecture firm 3XN, announced the opening of cube berlin. This sculptural, iconic building features pioneering smart office technologies, and is situated in the heart of Berlin on the historically significant site, Washingtonplatz. As one of  Berlin’s new emerging public spaces, this site provides the ideal setting for this new landmark that showcases latest advances in sustainability, design, digitization, and comfort. cube berlin is an integral part of the Europacity masterplan – an emerging urban district surrounding the Berlin main train station.

▼“柏林立方”建筑外观,cube berlin exterior view ©Adam Mørk


3XN建筑事务所创始人兼创意总监Kim Herforth Nielsen表示:“我们非常荣幸能够在一个如此重要的地点来展现我们的设计理念。我们希望借柏林立方来为商业建筑开辟一条新的道路。办公大楼也完全可以像一件艺术作品——这对于柏林这样的城市来说有着十分重要的意义。柏林立方为城市创造了新的互动机会,大量的路人被吸引过来,在玻璃立面上捕捉自己的倒影。与此同时,柏林立方还展示了德国最为智能的建筑技术。通过将先进的设计与用户舒适度紧密结合,我们希望证明健康、高效的办公场所同样可以具备可持续性。”

“We are honoured to share our design philosophy in such an important location,” says Kim Herforth Nielsen, Founder and Creative Director of 3XN. “With cube berlin, we suggest that a new architectural path for commercial architecture is possible. An office building can actually look like a piece of art – and this is a notion that we knew was important for a city like Berlin. This project also creates new moments of interaction with the city. We can already see that pedestrians are attracted to the cube; they enjoy catching their reflections in the glass. At the same time, cube berlin showcases the smartest building advances in Germany. In combining cutting edge design with user comfort, we want to show that healthy, productive places to work can also be sustainable.”

▼艺术品般的办公大楼,an office building can actually look like a piece of art ©Adam Mørk


3XN建筑事务所合伙人Torben Østergaard继续补充道:“在设计之初,我们的目标便是打造一座能够增强广场活力的建筑,使其在提供一流办公空间的同时还能吸引路人。我们还希望借助该项目为柏林的天际线加上新的一笔,并探索建筑与周围环境互动的新方式。基于建筑所在的地理位置,我们提出了一种形如雕塑的表现方法,希望在反映建筑尺度的同时凸显出其作为公共空间的特征。”

Torben Østergaard, 3XN Partner in Charge of the project continues, “When we began the design process, our ambition was to create a building that would contribute to the animation of the square. We wanted to engage by-passers while providing top notch office spaces. We also wanted this project to offer new value to the Berlin skyline, while exploring new ways for buildings to interact with their surroundings. Given the conditions of the location, we proposed a sculpted design approach that would reflect the site’s scale and honour its character as an important public space.

▼柏林立方为城市的天际线加上新的一笔,the project offers new value to the Berlin skyline ©Adam Mørk



The resulting design provides outside terraces at all levels, which are integrated in the façade. The triangulated relief of the façade is emphasised via reflective glazing, which invites street-level viewers to experience their city in unexpected – almost kaleidoscopic – ways. In the end, cube berlin presents an interesting paradox: it is a wildly complex sculpture disguised as a highly streamlined iteration.”

▼各个楼层设置了户外露台,并通过立面统一起来,outside terraces at all levels are integrated in the façade ©Adam Mørk




cube berlin offers 10 floors of flexible, multi-tenant office space; a ground-level food market and office lobby; underground parking & plant rooms, a rooftop terrace; and optional conference areas. In total, cube berlin spans 19.500 m² of highly flexible, modular above-ground space.

When commercial tenants begin building occupation in March 2020, they will enjoy such features as floor to ceiling windows offering stunning vistas of Berlin landmarks including Tiergarten, Kanzleramt, Reichstag; abundant natural daylight; natural ventilation via opening windows; external solar shading; and outdoor terraces on all floors. Outside, cube berlin presents unprecedented opportunities for pedestrian activation in and around this highly dense, urban site – created by plazas and gathering spaces surrounding the building.

▼场地平面图,site plan ©3XN



cube berlin is designed to be a catalyst for social experiences – both inside and out. Therefore, the design aims to animate the prominent urban location and engage in a dialogue with the site’s busy square. All four facades support interaction between the building occupants and the surrounding environment, deliberately creating a subtle boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces.

▼建筑的四个立面将周围的风景和天际线映射出来,all four facades mirror both the adjacent nature and skyline ©Adam Mørk


▼夕阳下的立面,facade view in the sunset ©Adam Mørk




cube berlin also reinterprets the idea of the cube, due to reflective glazing that mirrors both the adjacent nature and skyline. While the defining geometry of the structure maintains a true cubical volume measuring 42.5 meters in all directions, 3XN has created deliberate geometric transformations that create a prismatic pattern of triangular surface reliefs.

Segments of the façade are pushed inward in order to create outdoor terraces at all levels. The roof is envisioned as a “fifth façade” and completes the concept of the cube.  A vast rooftop terrace serves as a common space for tenants and can be used as a breakout or event space. Surrounding Berlin landmarks are reflected in all angles of the façade, allowing this landmark structure to shed a dynamic new light on its surroundings, both day and night.

▼立面上的三角形浮雕通过反光玻璃加以强调,the triangulated relief of the façade is emphasised via reflective glazing ©Adam Mørk



▼一层平面图,ground floor plan ©3XN


Inside, cube berlin is designed to cater to future demands for flexible office layouts and can accommodate shifting structural needs. The floors are arranged around a central core and can be divided into a mixture of separate units or connected via internal atria. 3XN’s design encourages communication and social activity through dynamic workplace constellations available in a wide range of sizes.

▼广场视角,view from the plaza ©Adam Mørk


柏林立方作为下一代的智能建筑,为智能数字用户界面的整合树立了新的标准。它邀请使用者通过“自携设备”(bring your own device)的方式与建筑进行交互。这一目标可通过应用程序实现,旨在促进可持续行为、提高能源效率,同时减少不必要的运营和维修成本。



▼一座能够自我学习且高效率的建筑,a building that is both self-learning and highly efficient ©Adam Mørk


cube berlin is a next generation smart building that sets new standards for the integration of intelligent digital user interfaces. Users are invited to interact with the building through a “bring your own device” approach. This is achieved via an app that drives sustainable behaviour and increases energy efficiency while reducing unnecessary operational costs and maintenance irregularities.

In this way, users can interact with their workspaces in unprecedented ways. Smart features allow tenants to customize and control such features as: access control, indoor heating and cooling, maintenance, energy supply, room and parking reservations, charging of electric cars / bicycles, and more.

Building operational information is stored in a large “digital brain” server that connects the individual intelligent systems of cube berlin. Energy flow and consumption are monitored and maximized, resulting in a building that is both self-learning and highly efficient. In this way, the building and its users enter into an interplay where both are learning from each other. The building learns to adjust to the preferences of its users, while the users can control and adapt the building’s settings according to their desires and needs.

▼夜间立面细部,facade night view ©Adam Mørk



Contrary to conventional wisdom, the fully glazed façade of cube berlin is highly energy efficient due to its osmotic skin and thoughtful design that includes a pioneering application of solar coatings on the outer skin of the double façade. This, in addition to a suite of technical solutions that include energy capture from heat, allow cube berlin to perform as a highly energy effective fully glazed building.

▼立面的外表皮首创性地覆盖以太阳能涂层,solar coatings are applied on the outer skin of the double façade ©Adam Mørk


▼立面细部,detail ©Adam Mørk



Architecturally, cube berlin’s fully glazed façade provides a dramatic commentary on the Berlin cityscape, while the technical performance of the material allows for an energy performance and control that will allow the building to pursue a DNGB Gold certification.

▼全玻璃立面为柏林的城市景观提供了一个瞩目的注解,cube berlin’s fully glazed façade provides a dramatic commentary on the Berlin cityscape ©Adam Mørk


Project Team: Architect Souterrain: Maedebach & Redeleit Architekten, Berlin Structural Engineers: Remmel + Sattler Ingenieurgesellschaft, Frankfurt/Berlin Façade Engineering: DS-Plan, Stuttgart Façade Maintenance Consultant: TAW Weisse, Hamburg Digitalisation: CA Immo, Thing-it and Drees & Sommer Fire Engineering: hhpberlin, Berlin Mechanical & Electrical Engineers: DS-Plan, Berlin, Frankfurt Photo credit: Adam Mørk


































