Kvistad Redesigns Bakken & Bæck’s Amsterdam Office.-0

Kvistad Redesigns Bakken & Bæck’s Amsterdam Office.-1

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Kvistad Redesigns Bakken & Bæck’s Amsterdam Office.-3

The eagle-eyed among you may have already made a connection that this is the second time we’re featuring an office space designed by Norwegian studio Kvistad. We previously shared with you their Bakken & Bæck’s HQ in Oslo, which was modelled on a spaceship.

What? I know!

Similarly, the Amsterdam outpost for Bakken & Bæck is reminiscent of a ‘yellow submarine’ – a long and narrow space that sits below ground level by the docks of Houthaven.

The main room features windows along one short side, providing the only source of natural light. A great start this was not, but you’ll have to agree that Kvistad has done the most they possibly could with an average hand they’ve been dealt. “One of our main goals was to brighten up the space by use artificial light and colours, while still maintaining a cozy and warm space,” explains the team.

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Kvistad Redesigns Bakken & Bæck’s Amsterdam Office.-9

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Kvistad Redesigns Bakken & Bæck’s Amsterdam Office.-11

Kvistad made an effort to aesthetically connect this office to Bakken & Bæck HQ in Oslo, while giving the interior its own identity. The palette consists of warm and natural colours like “creamy yellow, clear rust, hairy brown, dusty pink and matte black.” I don’t know about you, but hairy brown is probably a personal fave. Ha!

In case you’re wondering – where did they get all those amazing wall hangings from? Those puppies were created by Kvistad, and are available in limited quantities in their online shop.

The meeting rooms are articulated with textured glass which allows the light to come inside while maintaining a sense of privacy. I also really love the use of floor to wall carpet inside the meeting rooms, which provide the space with a cocoon-like feeling, adding to the ‘70s vintage vibes.

We had a super quick chat with the design team about this project. Read on for below for additional insights. And before I go, I just wanted to add how much I love what Tekla Evelina Severin has photographed this interior. She’s a super clever young lady (and you should totally follow her on Instagram, by the way).

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+ What was your design objective for this project?

+ Your favourite thing about this project?

+ And the most challenging aspect?

+ What did you learn during the project?

+ Would you have done anything differently?

+ Any other interesting facts you could share with us?

[Images courtesy of Kvistad. Photography by Tekla Evelina Severin. Styling by Kvistad.]

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