
The media, tolerating the intrusive behavior of paparazzi and driven by viewership, and audience encouraging such media attitude, do not sit with me. The audience should be more concerned about the media quality.


Even glitzy celebrities we see on stage and screen do have a human side, and it is natural for commoners to develop un urge to get a glimpse of the hidden human face of the stars. Once we manage to get a glimpse, however, we would most likely regret seeing it. Ignorance is bliss. But the urge to peek persists.

▼装置概览,overall of the project © Ikuo Kubota


▼屏幕背后的蜡烛并没有真正点燃,The candle behind the screen is not actually lit © Ikuo Kubota



I designed the lighting with the theme of psychological conflict and the sense of discomfort pervading the society.

▼正视图,front view © Ikuo Kubota


▼侧视图,profile © Ikuo Kubota

