Graduation project wellness & spa Hotel

Wellness & spa Hotel-1

This hotel is designed to be more comfortable and modern as it is wellness and spa so the color and design more simple and the color is calm to achieve the concept idea of it and for recuperation of clients The concept of design is using modern design with curve strips wood partition connecting the wall with ceiling and the color is beige ,brown ,green and yellow 

Wellness & spa Hotel-3

In waiting area i have used center area with green plant tree and the concept color and the curve strips in the walls connected to ceiling and the balcony for the nature view .

Wellness & spa Hotel-5

Wellness & spa Hotel-6

Wellness & spa Hotel-7

Wellness & spa Hotel-8

Wellness & spa Hotel-9

Wellness & spa Hotel-10

Wellness & spa Hotel-11

Wellness & spa Hotel-12

Wellness & spa Hotel-13