出于对男女时装的极致追求,Aether Apparel的产品充分体现了形式与功能的纯粹表达,其品牌推出的潮服既满足城市居家需求,又经得起户外活动的考验。在Aether Apparel品牌与Assembledge+事务所的通力合作下,一座建于1953年的弓形桁架建筑变身为全新的、充满活力的办公总部,设计在呼应了Aether Apparel品牌价值的同时,为员工们提供了通透明亮且极具创造性的办公空间。

Born out of the desire for men’s and women’s collections to look at home in the city but withstand the outdoors, Aether’s products reflect a pure expression of form and function. Aether Apparel engaged Assembledge+ to renovate an existing 1953 bow truss building and design a new, dynamic headquarters to echo the brand’s value and provide for a transparent and creative workspace.

▼接待区,reception area © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-3

▼由接待区看入口,viewing the entrance from the reception area © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-5

▼接待台细部,detail of the reception desk © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-7


The solution endeavoured to celebrate the original building by opening up the original structure and creating a communal and flexible workspace, partitioned into workstation areas, a design studio, communal areas and a conference room adjacent to a showroom.

▼由接待区看办公区,viewing the office area from the reception © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-11


Large window openings along the southern concrete façade fill the space with natural light and contribute to the sense of openness. The project’s clean lines, predominately white interiors with wooden details and exposed warehouse space create an airy, open office conducive to communication with a clean and modern aesthetic.

▼办公区,Office area © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-15

▼办公区走廊,hallway of the office area © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-17

▼办公区细部,details of the office area © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-19

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-20

▼通透明亮的二层办公室,Transparent and bright second floor office © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-22


In the spirit of their extreme passion for the environment, the client requested the space to be as eco-conscious as possible and utilize solar energy for all the electrical requirements. A cooled roof made of foam was utilized to allow for all the wood structure and decking to be exposed while reflecting 80% of the sun’s rays.

▼会议区,conference room © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-26

▼会议区与陈列室相连,showroom adjacent to the conference room © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-28

▼由会议区看陈列室,viewing the showroom from the conference room © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-30

▼由陈列室看会议区,viewing the conference room from the showroom © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-32


Outside, a canopy composed entirely out of solar panels provides shade from the southern sun and powers the entire office with solar energy, while putting an extra 30% back into the grid.

▼室外概览,exterior view © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-36

▼太阳能电池板组成的遮阳顶棚, A sunshade canopy made of solar panels © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-38

▼室外入口,exterior entrance © Yoshihiro Makino

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-40

Project size:9506 ft2 Design:Assembledge+ Photo credit:Yoshihiro Makino


Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-43

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-44

Aether Apparel总部,美国/通透、明亮、环保、健康-45