Lavabo Tri Suave, a creation of the Brazilian architect Marília Zimmermann, is a project in which sensitivity and well-being are essential concepts. In 56 square meters, it exhibits in Casa Cor show five spaces combined in a harmonious way: lounge, washbasin, ladies room, men’s room and accessible toilet.

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The tour through the architecture of the environments highlights the careful choice of geometric repetition with JoyMZ ceramic tile – Marília Zimmermann’s own creation for the company Portinari. With traces that slide to make a delicate geometry, colors and elements match the light effects well. 

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This is all that reaffirms the proposed idea of receiving and welcoming. There is a subtle tonal variation and a slight balance due to the choice of salmon and water green colors. 

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In addition to the pastel color palette, there is a visual enhancement achieved with the golden of the metals and the delicate touch of the flowers. It is this well-composed set of elements that answers the neon question, “What color is your peace?”

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