GreenMonster Lab位于北京市朝阳区望京地区昆泰嘉瑞文化中心B1层,建筑面积4957.3㎡。设计定位为集展览、娱乐、休闲为一体的多功能文化空间。分别设置美食文化展示中心、传统文化馆、书店、品牌展示厅等空间。

The GreenMonster Lab is located on the B1 floor of Kuntai Jiarui Cultural Center in Wangjing area, Chaoyang District, Beijing, with a building area of ​​4957.3m2. The design is positioned as a multi-functional cultural space integrating exhibition, entertainment and leisure. The complex includes culture exhibition center, traditional culture hall, bookstore, brand exhibition room, and other functional spaces.


GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-3


GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-5

This area is the beginning of the overall space, the first scene the customer will encounter when coming down with the escalator. It consists of a set of wooden structures, defined as a traditional cultural pavilion, used to display traditional cultural relics from around the world. We use “wood structure” that best represents Chinese architecture to showcase the world’s traditional culture. The classiness brought by the wooden structure makes the area an astounding starting chapter for the spatial sequence that follows, presenting a gorgeous feast for the expansion of the overall space. The form of the exhibition includes the exhibition wall, the exhibition stand, and the ground. It features both the grandeur of an “exhibition hall” and the liveliness of a “market”.


GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-8

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-9


GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-11

▼盛筵:由一组木结构装置组成的展示空间,The feast consists of a set of wooden structures, defined as a traditional cultural pavilion

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-13

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-14

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-15

▼木结构细部,wood structure detailed view

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-17

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-18


▼匠堂是由五组钢网装置组成的建筑空间,Craftsmen shop consists of five sets of stencil-covered units

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-21

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-22

▼每个钢网装置内是两组商家和一个现场结构柱子,each of the units has an on-site structural column and can be dedicated to two dealers

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-24

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-25

This area is the second sequence of the overall space, which consists of five sets of stencil-covered units, each of which has an on-site structural column and can be dedicated to two dealers. We put the functional display of merchant and the tricky columns in each stencil-covered unit. The visuals are neat building spaces and looming merchant staff inside the unit. Each stencil installation is a ground for the “artisan” spirit. The placement of the five stencil unit in the relative to each other in the area creates an effect of street and ally, which enables visitors and dealers to have a better place for communicating, exchanging, and learnings. In addition to the function of culinary display and communication, this space is also a gallery. The wall of the five stencils unit is used to display art. Different sizes paintings and the stencils echo each other, forming a spectacular view.

▼钢网装置细部,detailed view

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-28

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-29

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-30


▼浮廊由八组手工作坊和两组休闲装置组成,Le flottant consists of eight sets of manual workshops and two sets of leisure units

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-33

This area is the last part of the overall space. It consists of eight sets of manual workshops and two sets of leisure units. In this space, we hope that visitors will feel the food, culture, and coziness brought by the workshop. We hope this space will be a rest stop for urban life and a terminal of emotions. The eight sets of manual workshops and two sets of leisure units contain every structural column on site. The architectural space presented is a row of imposing manual workshops and a neat casual Le flottant. This is also a place to chat and relax, centered by Le flottant, where people can earn a bit of tranquility in the chaotic city.


GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-36

▼休闲装置, leisure unit

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-38

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-39

▼从浮廊望向匠堂,view to the Craftsmen shop from Le flottant

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-41

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-42

▼浮廊细部,Le flottant detailed view

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-44

这部分是我们设计过程中的思路,整体设计就是一个空间整合梳理的过程。 我们刚接触到这个项目的时候,发现现场条件非常复杂:一是现场柱网很乱几乎没有规律可找。二是现场空间处于地下一层并有五个防火分区,现场大部分空间的分割都是以防火卷帘防火墙防火门分割的。三是现场空间比较高,但是空间上部管线非常复杂,消防排烟、排油烟、新风空调、喷淋等等,这些管线实际就占据了空间高度的三分之一,使得实际空间感受与原始高度不符。整体感受可以归纳为一个字,就是“乱”。所以我们在设计之前第一件要做的事情就是“归纳整理”。我们试图找寻一种规律,把空间有序化。这个过程时间很长,慢慢地我们发现这个空间的“乱”也是它的特点之一,我们可以在归纳整理空间的基础上利用这个特点,打造出因地制宜的空间秩序,这里包括空间关系、形体关系、材料组合等等。


GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-47

▼经过整合梳理的空间,an integrated and organized space

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-49


Then we re-examined this space: the first is the messy pillar. We merged some of the columns into decorations and thereby hide them. For the rest of the pillars, we choose to face them, make them even thicker, forming a functional column. We use steel mesh to enclose several thick columns and put the dealers inside. The steel mesh is a semi-transparent material, give both style and some extent of blurring of the thick column, while shrouding the staff inside the unit. In this way of processing the space, we found an interesting experience of space. The void between the thick pillars, forming a sense of blocks. The original messy columns became a number of functional large bodies and give a feeling of neighborhood, which is an ideal way for us to handle them.

▼把商家放到“柱子”里,put the dealers inside the “pillars”

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-53


The second is the division of several fire zones. In this part, we have to meet the fire codes and make the divisions have a positive sense of space. So we tried to increase the height of all the fire shutters and thicken al the firewall. Originally we wish to weaken this part, but we ended up emphasizing it more. The heightened fire shutters and the thickened firewall form a door opening that presents an unexpected effect. The division between spaces becomes looming and has a solemn sensation, which changes the characteristic from “blocking” into “communicating”.

▼空间之间的分割变得若隐若现又有一种庄重的仪式感,the division between spaces becomes looming and has a solemn sensation

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-57


The third is the pipeline network in the upper area. Due to its complexity, we were going to deal with it initially. But after a period of “back and forth”, we found that its complexity is actually a rich layered sense from another perspective, so we decided to expose them. We use the pipeline to set a uniform height of the shape, which is 5.4 meters. All the pipelines above this height are painted black so that it presents its own unique layering and does not conflict with the shape. This renders the top and the shape do not have a fixed dividing line, but are both blended and separated at the same time.

▼所有管线暴露出来统一喷黑处理,all the pipelines above were exposed and painted black

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-61

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-62


The fourth is the role of the wood structure. In addition to its functionality, the design of this area is a starting point and a central point in the overall space. We chose the wood structure, a symbol of Chinese design, which expresses a strong sense of admiration and inheritance. At the same time, we added a warmth to the overall color to make the whole space mixed with warm and cold.

▼木结构使整体空间冷暖相叠,the wood structure added a warmth to the overall space

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-66

▼木结构示意图,wood structure detail

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-68

▼钢网构造图,steel mesh detail

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-70

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-71

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-72

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-73

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-74

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-75

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-76

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-77

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-78

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-79

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-80

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-81

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-82

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-83

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-84

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-85

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-86

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-87

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-88

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-89

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-90

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-91

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-92

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-93

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-94

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-95

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-96

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-97

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-98

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-99

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-100

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-101

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-102

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-103

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-104

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-105

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-106

GreenMonster Lab文化空间,北京/盛筵,匠堂,浮廊-107