aura object是位于上海宋园路上的一家古典家居艺术展示空间。经过时间的洗礼,展陈家具充满历史沉淀的细节,每一件都仿佛是艺术品。

aura object is a lifestyle shop featuring mostly European antique furniture on Songyuan Road in Shanghai. Sculpted by time, these meticulously decorated objects are like striking works of art.

▼展示空间外立面,facade of the showroom

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Considering how to display these furniture pieces that look good on their own, the layout of the showroom avoids showing too many objects in the same space. Window openings on the wall that faces the street correspond with the grid on the façade. Walls extend from each window, dividing space while acting as a background for the furniture to stand out. Looking from the street side, it was also intended for these walls to frame numerous “small worlds” within the overall space.

▼展示空间外立面及其主入口,连续落地窗切割并构架了一个个完整且相互独立的展示窗,the facade and the entrance, window openings on the wall frame numerous “small worlds” within the overall space

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▼独立的展示空间,从落地窗看向街道,the separated display space, viewing the street through the window openings on the wall

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Wall thickness is exaggerated by expressing the brick structure and gypsum board individually without covering them with paint. Using these classic techniques, aura object’s presence as a modern shop is further emphasized with the sense of its lightness and the rhythm of the continuous openings.

▼独立展示空间局部,墙面新增的石膏板没有完全包裹原建筑结构水泥砖墙,而是有意裸露并强调结构墙体的厚度,partial view of the separated display space, wall thickness is exaggerated by expressing the brick structure and gypsum board individually without covering them with paint

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The showroom references to European arcades where the arches are repeated throughout the space, making prominent the architectural element among the ornate furniture pieces yet not overpowering them.

▼欧式拱廊,空间中重复出现连续拱门的元素,European arcades with the arches being repeated throughout the space

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▼欧式拱廊,建筑语言在空间中变得更加连贯,European arcades, making a more continuous architectural element

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▼室内走廊,狭长的走廊分隔出两个主要的展示空间,narrow alley divides two main display spaces

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▼展示空间外立面夜景,night view of the exterior facade of the showroom

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▼展示空间外立面夜景近景,close exterior view of the showroom facade at night

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▼透过落地窗看展览空间内部,橙色的暖光创造出温馨感,viewing the interior display space through the window openings, the warm orange light environment create a sense of comfort

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▼平面布置图,layout plan

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项目名称:aura object showroom 设计方:小大建筑设计事务所 项目设计 & 完成年份:2018年 主创及设计团队:小嶋伸也,小嶋綾香,北上紘太郎,林鸿缔、王晗 项目地址:中国上海宋园路65号 建筑面积:372m2 摄影版权:堀越圭晋 / SS 客户: Aura Object

Project name: aura object showroom Design: Kooo architects Design year & Completion Year: 2018 Leader designer & Team: KOJIMA SHINYA, KOJIMA AYAKA, KITAKAMI KOTARO, HONGDI LIN, HAN WANG Project location: Songyuan Rd #65, Shanghai, China Gross Built Area (square meters): 372 Photo credits: Keishin Horikoshi / SS Clients: Aura Object

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