
Aimed at creating a new “urban agora” for the city, the architects borrowed the shape of the European Parliaments’ hemicycle to create an iconic reflective roof structure that will unite all citizens and institutions of the EU within one central meeting point.

COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-2

COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-3

COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-4

COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-5



COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-8


In its current existence, Place Schuman consists of a busy roundabout that is largely unoccupied and unwelcoming to pedestrians. COBE and BRUT’s scheme will reimagine the space as a location first and foremost for people.

“Place Schuman显示了这个城市正在发生的变化,”布鲁塞尔移动部长PascalSmet在设计上评论道。“我们正从一座汽车之城走向一座为人民服务的城市!”舒曼将成为一个真正的城市广场,居民和游客可以见面。最后,这个标志性的地方被赋予了它应有的质量和外观。现在应由建筑师与居民和欧洲机构一起拟订他们的项目。“

”Place Schuman shows the change this city is making,” commented Pascal Smet, Brussels Minister of Mobility, on the design. “We are going from a city for cars to a city for people! Schuman will become a real urban square where residents and visitors can meet. Finally this emblematic spot is given the quality and look it deserves. It is now up to the architects to elaborate their projects together with the residents and the European institutions.”



COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-15



COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-18



COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-21


The new pavilion, punctured by funnel-shaped opening it is roof, will draw visitors into the center of the plaza, where concentric circles will step down to offer room for seating and create an informal gathering place. Surrounding the agora, the pedestrian area will continue out radially from the center, connecting Place Schuman to the adjacent Cinquantenaire Park and the bridge of Rue de la Loi over Chaussée d’Etterbeek.


“A parliament is usually closed-off to the public, but Place Schuman will be permanently accessible, embracing democracy and knowledge sharing,” explains Dan Stubbergaard, Founder and Creative Director of COBE. “Here, all citizens of the EU will be united under one roof. The roof reflects the square and the people below, creating a meeting place between nationalities, cultures, languages and genders. The agora underneath the roof will be designed as concentric circles, inspired by the European Parliaments’ hemicycle. The circles continue in the surrounding pavement, emphasizing Place Schuman as the center of European democracy.”



COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-28



COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-31


COBE and BRUT will now continue toward the permitting process by conducting additional studies for the design. Planning documents are expected to be submitted by the end of 2018, with construction to begin in 2019.


News via COBE.

建筑师BUT,COBE位置罗伯特舒曼普林,1000布鲁塞尔,比利时客户Bruxelle MobilitéEnginers ara,util,Buro Move Image COBE和布鲁特面积34000.0平方米

Architects BRUT, COBE Location Robert Schumanplein, 1000 Brussel, Belgium Client Bruxelles Mobilité Engineers ARA, UTIL, Buro MOVE Images COBE and BRUT Area 34000.0 m2

COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-38

COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-39

COBE + BRUTs Reflective Pavilion Wins Competition for New EU Entrance Plaza in Brussels-40