Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-0

The building we were assigned was Bramante’s Cloister in Rome, Italy. We had to figure out how to combined the Renaissance style of the cloister with a modern and hip fashion designer Diagrams Focusing on Bramante’s Cloister: 

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-2


Diagrams Focusing on Concept:

Concept: Focusing on the 2018 Spring Collection, I wanted to bring the excitement of the outfits and how they scream fun with bold stripes, colorful fabrics, and versatility by fuzing the conventional with unconventional of the Renaissance with Modern  

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-6

​​​​​​​Having a forced circulation with a yellow stripe makes people travel upstairs allowing me to show clients and customers the history of Sunnei with displays of past collections which highlights my concept of learning (conventional) then at the end of the striped path is the slide (unconventional) that forces you into the new collection of Sunnie and the idea of having fun after learning/studying like in school   

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-8

                     DJ/Dance Floor:                                                                Media Tunnel: 

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-10

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-11

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-12

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-13

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-14

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-15

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-16

Fashion Showroom Sunnei Rome 2017-17