FUNGUS & FUNNEL LAMPS / stone pine wooden lampshades-0

FUNGUS & FUNNEL LAMPS / stone pine wooden lampshades-1

FUNGUS & FUNNEL LAMPS / stone pine wooden lampshades-2

FUNGUS & FUNNEL LAMPS / stone pine wooden lampshades-3

The fungus &  funnel lamps were developed as a lighting system for the exposition “Flechten” [“Lichen”] at the MADERO CollectorsRoom in Salzburg/Austria. The lamps which are made out of  stone pine wood were a basic feature of the exhibition design. It aimed for a vivid interaction between space and furnishing so that the whole ensemble was turned into a walkable installation.

The funnel lamps served at the exhibition as heat lamps in order to incubate the denoted ostrich eggs. What finally hatched out of those eggs will be uncovered in our next special edition that is to be expected end 2017.

artist: Patrick Timm