SunlessThe dark room is thought for exhibition spaces, want to offer a new way to perceive artworks and, most simply, the ‘outside’.__________”We need to take care of children and give them a chance to form a more elastic, more free, less locked, decision-making mentality.And I would say, a way to deal with reality, both as a desire for understanding and expression.Then, for that purpose, we have to study those instruments that go in the form of games, but which in reality help people get rid of it.”Bruno Munari (Playing with tact, 2002)_________project by Matteo Morelli, Francesco Martinazzo, Leonardo Falascone, Federico Gariboldi, Simone Sezzi

Sunless Dark Room-1

Sunless Dark Room-2

Sunless Dark Room-3

Sunless Dark Room-4

Sunless Dark Room-5