FIDAK (Foire Internationale de Dakar), Dakar, Senegal, designed by Jean Francois Lamoureux and Jean-Louis Marin, 1974. Photography: Iwan Baan

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“当撒哈拉以南非洲国家独立后,年轻的国家就把建筑作为国家建设的工具,”展览策展人、“非洲现代化”(Africa现代派)的编辑曼努埃尔·赫兹(Manuel Herz)说。这本书由朴槿惠出版社(ParkBooks)出版。“我想把重点放在上世纪50年代末到60年代初独立的国家上,我也想把重点放在60年代和70年代的建筑学上。”因此,展览中展出的政府大楼、博物馆、学校、大学和会议中心位于五个新兴国家:加纳、塞内加尔、象牙海岸、肯尼亚和赞比亚。

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Exterior view of the exhibition, ‘African Modernism’, organised by the Vitra Design Museum, on view until 27 May at New York’s Center for Architecture

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School of Engineering at KNUST (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology), Kumasi, Ghana, designed by James Cubitt, 1956. Photography: Alexia Webster

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University of Zambia (UNZA), Lusaka, Zambia, designed by Julian Elliott and Anthony Chitty, 1965–1968. Photography: Iwan Baan

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Independence Arch, Accra, Ghana, designed by the Public Works Departments, 1961. Photography: Manuel Herz

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Mfantsipim School (Ausschnitt), Cape Coast, Ghana, designed by Fry, Drew and Partners, 1958. Photography: Manuel Herz

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Hotel Ivoire, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, designed by Heinz Fenchel and Thomas Leiterdorf, 1962–1970. Photography: Iwan Baan

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Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Nairobi, Kenya, designed by Karl Henrik Nostvik, 1967–1973. Photography: Iwan Baan

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Hotel Independence, Dakar, Senegal, designed by Henri Chomette and Roland Depret, 1973–1978. Photography: Iwan Baan

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La Pyramide, Abidjan, Ivory Coast, designed by Rinaldo Olivieri, 1973. Photography: Iwan Baan

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keywords:Modernism, African architecture
