German architect Jurgen Mayer H’s latest show at London’s Sto Werkstatt gallery is an ode to the oft-overlooked building method of plastering and rendering

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The architect drew on the ECOLA Award archives as his main resource – the international competition focuses on high quality plaster and render as building materials

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Mayer’s installation is made in a plastering relief effect called “Schwarzwälder Bollenputz” that traditionally stems from the Black Forest region in Germany

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The freestanding piece ‘abstractly represents a reaching hand’, explains the architect

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The structure creates a platform to discuss the exhibition’s theme but also provides a resting area for visitors

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keywords:sto werkstatt, jurgen mayer h, ecola awards, architectural exhibition

关键词:sto Werkstatt,Jurgen Mayer h,Ecola奖,建筑展览