Opasly Tom餐厅(Fat Volume餐厅)位于波兰首都华沙市的市中心,是一个超过260平方米的错层式空间,拥有着不同规模大小和风格的用餐空间,为人们提供现代的波兰美食。此外,餐厅内还设有一间带有阅览室的酒吧、一个酒窖和一个精致的、半开放式的厨房式餐厅空间。餐厅将精致的餐食作为运营的理念,采用季节性的和波兰地区优质的原材料制作食物,这些都在餐厅的创意性菜单上表现得淋漓尽致。

Right in the heart of Warsaw, on more than 260 square meters of a split level layout, the Opasly Tom (eng. Fat Volume) restaurant serves contemporary Polish cuisine in the suite of connecting rooms varying in scale. There is also a bar with reading room, a wine cellar and a semi-open fine dining kitchen. A creative menu embraces the concept of slow food, the principle of the season and the quality produce of Polish regions.

▼餐厅的上层用餐大厅,大面积开窗,是正式聚会和特别庆典活动的理想场所,the dining hall on the upper floor, its large windows provides a perfect venue for formal gatherings and special celebrations

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The greatest design challenge for the project was the non-standard split level functional layout consisted of series of spaces of various sizes and highs. So it was crucial to propose a solution that would connect all the rooms and integrate the design into a coordinated, distinctive whole offering an unique aesthetic experience.

As the common denominator the rich palette of nature-inspired shades of coral, sage, honey and ink blue has been chosen. The colours, omnipresent on the folds of the velvet upholstered corrugated steel cladding of the interior walls, define and distinguish the various restaurant dining rooms. This contemporary, minimalistic design approach produces the impression of coherence while creating a powerful aesthetic impact. It also provides excellent acoustics as well as dramatic backdrop to the restaurant bespoke designed furniture, fit-out and surface finishes made of refined poplar burl, geometric terrazzo, oak wood and rough, unpolished marble.

▼餐厅的上层用餐大厅,内墙上覆有天鹅绒软垫波纹钢饰面,采用颇具几何感的水磨石地面,the dining hall on the upper floor with the velvet upholstered corrugated steel cladding and geometric terrazzo floor

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▼餐厅的上层用餐大厅,在某些位置上放置了高镜子,用以反射华沙市如画的古老房屋,the dining hall on the upper floor with a view over the Warsaw’s picturesque old houses reflected in the high mirrors

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The split level functional layout of the restaurant makes the upper floor with its large windows a perfect venue for formal gatherings and special celebrations whilst the lower level offers a more private atmosphere to enjoy relaxed and casual meetings. The upper floor houses a spacious grand hall with a view over the Warsaw’s picturesque old houses reflected in the high mirrors. Its spectacular lighting and the terrazzo floor with a geometric pattern add to the overall experience. The hall is entered via the foyer with an impressive poplar burl cloak room. The foyer also offers direct access to the bar and reading room – a place to enjoy an aperitif or a cocktail. There is also a secret room, the “oasis”, a special private dining space with one table only and the art deco-inspired finishing combining poplar burl cladding and original flower patterned fabric. The name “Oasis” and different finishing design are the references to the history of the building that housed a restaurant and a cabaret before the World War II.

▼名为“绿洲”的秘私人用餐空间,采用白杨木饰面和带有花朵图案的原始织物,the private dining space named as “oasis” with poplar burl cladding and original flower patterned fabric

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▼“绿洲”空间细节,details of the “oasis”

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The less formal lower deck is where the heart of the restaurant beats – its semi-open kitchen where the originally created dishes of Polish contemporary cuisine are prepared. This level of the restaurant houses also the wine cellar and smaller scale dining rooms featuring three distinct functional and design approaches: the honey room that looks onto the kitchen and chefs in the midst of their efforts; the ink blue wine room – a perfect spot for wine tasting, and the quiet sage room designed for private dining. Combined with the classic oak parquet flooring and the velvet curtains separating the dining rooms from each other they enhance the effect of the privacy, cosiness and relaxed ambience in this part of the venue.

▼下层墨蓝色的葡萄酒空间,the ink blue wine room on the lower floor

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▼下层墨蓝色的葡萄酒空间,采用木地板,the ink blue wine room on the lower floor with wooden floor

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▼下层墨蓝色的葡萄酒空间细节,details of the ink blue wine room on the lower floor

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▼下层蜂蜜黄色的用餐空间,可以看到厨房里厨师们忙碌的身影,the honey room on the lower level that looks onto the kitchen and chefs in the midst of their efforts

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▼从蜂蜜黄色的用餐空间看鼠尾草绿色的私人用餐空间,不同颜色的褶皱区分不同的空间,viewing the sage room designed for private dining from the the honey room, folds in the different colors define and distinguish the various restaurant dining rooms

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▼下层安静的私人用餐空间,the quiet private dining on the lower level

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In addition to the distinctive colour scheme, materials textures and the wavy velvet walls, the design benefits from its original lighting system. It features a series of bespoke designed lamps created of Polish hand-made glass lamp shades in various shapes and configurations so the pendants and sconces match the scale and function of each restaurant room.

▼室内的定制灯具,灯泡的外部罩有波兰手工制作的玻璃灯罩,the interior bespoke designed lamps created of Polish hand-made glass lamp shades

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▼室内楼梯细节,采用白杨木饰面和水磨石地板,details of the interior stairs space with poplar burl cladding and terrazzo floor

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▼楼梯空间灯具细节(左),楼梯空间饰面细节(右),details of the lamps of the stairs space (left), details of the cladding of the stairs space (right)

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The visual identification makes the restaurant design complete with the graphic motif alluding the series of book volumes. It takes the form of design pattern to be found on the menu or table napkins detail. There is also the hand-made tiny orange stoneware plate with a centrally placed letter “o”.

▼餐厅室内家具细节,details of the furniture

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▼餐盘和菜单细节,菜单上印有字母o的痕迹,details of the plate and the menu, the letter “o” can be found on the menu

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▼餐盘和菜单细节,橙色陶瓷小餐盘中心部位的字母o的造型清晰可见,details of the plate and the menu, the hand-made tiny orange stoneware plate features a centrally placed letter “o”

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▼餐厅下层空间平面布置图,lower layout plan of the restaurant

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▼餐厅上层空间平面布置图,upper layout plan of the restaurant

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▼餐厅室内立面图1,interior elevation of the restaurant 1

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▼餐厅室内立面图2,interior elevation of the restaurant 2

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▼餐厅室内立面图3,interior elevation of the restaurant 3

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project: OPASLY TOM Restaurant address: Wierzbowa 9, Warsaw, Poland area: 260 sqm capacity: 76 seats design year: 2018 completion year: 2018 key materials: poplar burl / corrugated steel / velvet / terrazzo / marble photos: PION Basia Kuligowska, Przemysław Nieciecki

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