Untitled #49, from the series ‘Hardly More Than Ever’, by Laura Letinsky, 2002. Courtesy of the artist and Yancey Richard Gallery, NYC

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摄影记者和作家Susan Bright写道,食物的照片很少仅仅是关于食物的,这个月最新的书籍赏心悦目是本月由Calor出版的。她没有错。



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例如,彼得·门泽尔(Peter Menzel)和费思·达卢西奥(Faith D‘Alusio)的2007年“饥饿星球”(Hungry Planet)项目记录了世界各地家庭的饮食方式,暗示食物代表着社会阶层-正如马丁·帕尔(Martin Parr)拍摄的英国人吃“普通食物”的照片,或者罗伯特·海内肯(Robert Heinecken)的电视晚宴,充满了哀伤和幽默,反映了美国人

当然,食物可以是性的-就像乔·安·卡利斯(Jo Ann Callis)诱人的“紫禁城”中的照片,或者罗蒂米·法尼·卡奥德(Rotimi Fani-Kayodé)的葡萄覆盖的但它也可能是怪诞的,特别是它的过剩,例如在卡罗莱-施内曼的“肉食欢乐”中,表演者们赤身裸体,浑身沾满鱼、鸡和猪内脏。对于其他艺术家来说,比如Duo Fischli


Untitled, from the series Utatane, by Rinko Kawauchi, 2001. © The artist

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Pink Pig Cakes, by Martin Parr, 2002. © The artist / Magnum Photos

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Hotdog Stand, by Martin Parr, 1983-85. Courtesy of the artist

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Trails End Restaurant, Kanab, Utah, August 10, by Stephen Shore, 1973. © The artist. Courtesy of 303 Gallery, New York

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Serving Pinto Beans at the Pie Town, New Mexico, Fair Barbeque, by Russell Lee, 1940. Courtesy of The Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division

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Stilleben, by Wladimir Schohin, 1910. Courtesy of Amatörfotografklubben i Helsingfors rf, Finland

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Left, Pineapple and Shadow, by Daniel Gordon, 2011. Right, Jello Disco Floor, for Gather Journal, by Grant Cornett, 2016, food styling by Janine Iversen. Courtesy of the artist

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Lemonade & Fruit Salad, by Nickolas Murray, 1948. © Nickolas Muray Photo Archives. Courtesy of George Eastman Museum, gift of Mrs. Nickolas Muray

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keywords:Books, Photography, Food & Drink
