项目位于上海南京西路丰盛里。穿过密集的石库门建筑和新业态商铺,靠近地铁口一爿不足25㎡ 的小店便是小鸟杯。这里场地局促,人流拥堵——如何于嘈杂环境中提取一处“情绪地标”便成为首要设计线索。

Located in Fengshengli, West Nanjing Road, Shanghai, this 25-square-meter coffee shop finds itself among tightly packed Shikumen buildings and commercial spaces. Situated right next to the metro station, it is in proximity to incessant traffic and pedestrian flow. To build a pacifying “emotional landmark” within the bustling scene became our first lead.

▼项目概览,overview ©言隅建筑空间摄影

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-3


Using the method of “de-architecture,” we applied large areas of glass and matte-finish metal to create an outstretched and transparent space of white and grey. Meanwhile, the curved roof and the warm lighting moderates the cold, stringent imagery, coupling rigidity with softness.

▼玻璃材质和雾面金属构成辨识度极高的灰白空间,the glass and the matte-finish metal form a marked space of white and grey ©言隅建筑空间摄影

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-7

▼曲面屋顶、软膜天花洒下均匀的灯光,the curved roof and the soft membrane ceiling cast warm light ©言隅建筑空间摄影

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-9

▼店铺与地铁口位置关系,the relationship between the store and the subway entrance ©言隅建筑空间摄影

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Roof has always been a key space element in our designs.  In this particular case, rather than roof being a mere signage board, we want the roof to establish a sort of structural aesthetics as the overall vision of the brand, which formalises the shop into  some “white floating puffs” alleviating the metal space as a soft shelter for a short stay.

▼曲面屋顶,the curved roof ©言隅建筑空间摄影

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-15


Clouds, pillows, balloons, or spaceships – we avoid associating the roof with any one imagery, thereby encouraging people to imagine their own spontaneous connections to the space. Like how coffee gets rid of fatigue, we want these floaters to help people zone out a bit. Among other possibilities, the cloud imagery forms a discourse with “birdie” in the brand name and insinuates the Internet age, in which everything is relocated to the cloud and life becomes intertwined with digits.

▼白色漂浮物,the white floating puffs ©言隅建筑空间摄影

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-19

▼“云端”意象与“小鸟”形成互文 ©言隅建筑空间摄影 the cloud imagery forms a discourse with “birdie”

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-21

▼大面积玻璃消除界限 ©言隅建筑空间摄影 the large area of glass eliminates boundaries

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-23

▼墙面上的发光“小鸟”标识,the glowing “birdie” on the wall ©言隅建筑空间摄影

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-25


Working collaboratively with the engineering and construction team, we ended up using a  C-shaped structure to support the entire roof so that we could keep only one ultra-thin column,  preserving the sense of floating.

▼屋顶细部,details of the roof ©言隅建筑空间摄影

Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-29

▼墙面细部,details of the wall ©言隅建筑空间摄影

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Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-32


We worked with a limited palette and purposely lowered saturation to emphasize the free design of windows and facades, which serves to dissolve the barrier between customers and baristas. Finally, the oblique thin pillar adds a layer of dynamism to the space.

▼局部夜景,partial view by night ©言隅建筑空间摄影

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From the overall framework to detailed expression, we pursue balance of order and creativity, of industrial and temper. We hope this micro commercial architecture may fulfill its potential to calm  sensation, spur imagination, and slow down the hustle.

▼整体夜景,overall view by night ©言隅建筑空间摄影

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▼轴测图,axonometric ©F.O.G. Architecture

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Birdie Cup Coffee,上海/丰盛里的“情绪地标”-43

项目位置:上海 项目面积:25平方米 项目状态:建成  设计团队:熊爱杰,侯绍凯,宋禹正,冯楠淇,李捷,邹德静,郑宇,詹迪  结构顾问:袁鑫,蔡昕瑀,陶辛未 摄影:言隅建筑空间摄影

Project Location:Shanghai Area:25m² Project Status:Completed  Design Team:Xiong Aijie, Hou Shaokai, Song Yuzheng, Feng Nanqi, Li Jie, Zou Dejing, Zheng Yu, Zhan Di Structure Consultant:Yuan Xin, Cai Xinyu, Tao Xinwei Photography:InSpace Architecture Photography