Oh! 咖啡馆位于北京老城区,临近鼓楼,由平房老宅改造而成。咖啡馆在最大程度上保留了北京传统建筑的风格和元素,同时又在修复过程有机结合现代材料,以满足功能性和审美的要求。

Atelier A has transformed an old residence to a rustic split-level café. Located near Gulou (the Drum Tower) in central Beijing, the renovated café Oh! retains the historic style of its original building and is modified with modern materials for functional and aesthetic purposes.

▼咖啡馆沿街立面,the street facade of the café

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The hybrid design philosophy is best embodied in its façade, with half decorated with traditional Chinese grey bricks and wood, and the other half, an ice-cream hut, with light green terrazzo. Such contrast is harmonized under the same tiled roof and wood beam, refreshing but not obtrusive in the surrounding historic quarter.

▼咖啡馆沿街立面,两种对比的风格在同一板瓦屋面和木梁下合为一体,the street facade of the café, two contrasting styles are harmonized under the same tiled roof and wood beam

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▼咖啡馆沿街立面局部,采用青砖与原色木窗,partial facade view of the café with traditional Chinese grey bricks and wood

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▼咖啡馆沿街立面局部,冰淇淋屋覆以浅绿色水磨石,partial facade view of the café with light green terrazzo

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The wood framing of the original residence is kept and reinforced by I-beams. Yet they are not concealed, for the designer intends to bring a rustic and real feeling. The tiles on the middle of the m-shaped roof were taken away, and a glass ceiling has been installed on top to add natural light and expose the beautiful wood purlins. For the sake of safety, the flat roof at the entrance has been rebuilt to increase load-bearing capability, and the walls are partially painted with stucco, while some of the original grey bricks are still visible. The café is furnished with wooden tables and chairs. The big table tops are all made from solid old logs. The floor and part of the walls are paved with terrazzo of quiet green and simple texture, in tune with the wood structure of the whole building.

▼从咖啡馆后半部分看向前半部分,保留原建筑的屋身大木作,looking from the rear space to the fore part, the wood framing of the original building is kept

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▼从咖啡馆前半部分看后半部分,暴露部分原有青砖的肌理,looking from the fore part to the rear space, some of the original grey bricks are still visible

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▼咖啡馆前半部分室内,采用横向灯带,interior view of the fore part with long light bars

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▼咖啡馆前半部分的临街用餐区,临街立面采用横向长条形窗户,the window seating area at the fore part with the window on the façade being made in the shape of a slender horizontal rectangle

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The original one-storey residence has been transformed into a multi-leveled and complex space. The customers go through a narrow entrance, a short passage enclosed by double doors, and a low-ceilinged foyer before they step into the spacious rear area under the high m-shaped roof. The ceiling of the fore part of the café has been deliberately made low when being rebuilt in order to hide air-conditioners and pipes as well as to contrast with the expansive rear space. Long light bars have been installed to echo the purlins and increase sense of depth. The window on the façade is made in the shape of a slender horizontal rectangle so that if one looks into the café from outside, they experience the same narrow-to-broad transition.

▼咖啡馆后半部分室内空间,地面和部分墙面铺绿色水磨石,rear space in the café, the floor and part of the walls are paved with terrazzo of quiet green

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▼咖啡馆后半部分室内空间,保留了原建筑大木作结构,并以工字钢加固,rear space in the café, the original wood structure is kept and reinforced by I-beams

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▼咖啡馆座椅细节,details of the seating

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Renovations have also been made on the roof area in order to increase space, including the flat roof converted to a terrace, a set of steps as seating places installed against the slope roof, standing tables placed on the higher-level neighbouring roof, which is the best spot to admire the ancient Drum Tower at sunset.

▼通向屋顶露台的楼梯,the stairs leading to the roof terrace

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▼多层的屋顶露台空间,沿坡顶搭设台阶座位,the split-level roof area, a set of steps as seating places installed against the slope roof

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▼一层平面布置图,1F floor layout plan

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项目名称:Oh! 咖啡馆 设计方:上海彦文建筑工作室   项目设计:2018 完成年份:2019 主创及设计团队:朱彦文,田炳珉,王媞 项目地址:中国北京西城区地安门外大街16号 建筑面积:153 平方米 摄影版权:田炳珉 客户:上海燊席餐饮管理有限公司

Project name: Oh!  Design: Atelier A Design year: 2018 Completion Year: 2019 Leader designer & Team: Lily Zhu, Tian Binming, Rachal Wang Project location: 16 Di’Anmenwai Avenue, Beijing, China Gross Built Area (square meters): 153 m2 Photo credits: Tian Binming  Clients: Fine Café and Canteen

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