
The new elementary school freely complements the development on the outskirts of the suburban village and with its distinctive archetypal silhouette completes its visual identity. The building with cluster arrangement of classrooms is designed in a passive energy standard with an emphasis on quality common spaces and serves as a community center of the municipality.

▼学校外观,exterior view of the school ©BoysPlayNice

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▼学校空间轴测图,the spatial axon of the school ©SOA architekti

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The new school campus creates within the municipality a place with its own identity. Despite its size the building and its entrance area is not disturbing the spatial and functional context of the place as it stands on the other end of an urban axis connecting the campus with the village square unveiling its potential to become a lively street. The community character of the building is visually supported by a public library situated in an exposed corner facing the village.

▼学校总平面图,top view of the school ©BoysPlayNice

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▼活动空间俯视图局部,partial top view of the grounds ©BoysPlayNice

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The school is set in a mellow slope and the design works with different floor counts facing the entrance area on one side and the school grounds on the other one. The large building is divided into several structural volumes to adapt to the scale of the neighbourhood at its most.

▼学校远景,坐落在一个缓坡之上,distant view of the school that is set in a mellow slope ©BoysPlayNice

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▼白色的双层坡屋顶体量容纳教学和行政空间,the two-level pitched-roof volumes in white color accommodating classrooms and school administration ©BoysPlayNice

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▼白色坡屋顶体量造型简单,灵感来自于传统的乡村建筑,the pitched-roof volumes in white color with minimalistic archetypal expression inspired by rural typology ©BoysPlayNice

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The appearance of the building towards public space is determined by four dominant two-level pitched-roof volumes with minimalistic archetypal expression inspired by rural typology accommodating classrooms and school administration. As connecting element in between there is a lower entrance structure with flat roof containing common areas such as school canteen and gymnasiums. Contrasting with the minimalistic white facade of the surrounding structures this central volume is cladded with distinctively profiled vertical larch slats also covering windows allowing for different transparency levels according to interior requirements.

▼较低的平屋顶体量穿插在四个坡屋顶体量之间,the lower entrance structure with flat roof interlocks four pitched-roof volumes ©BoysPlayNice

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▼操场、中央平屋顶体量和远处的坡屋顶体量,the grounds, the central flat-roof volume and the pitched-roof volume in the distance ©BoysPlayNice

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▼中央平屋顶体量的外侧整体覆盖着竖向的落叶松板条表皮,the central volume is cladded with distinctively profiled vertical larch slats ©BoysPlayNice

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▼平屋顶体量作为连接构件,the volume with the flat roof as the connecting element in between ©BoysPlayNice

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▼位于中央体量中的食堂空间,the canteen situated in the central building ©BoysPlayNice

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▼双层通高的食堂兼多功能空间,the double height canteen and multifunctional space ©BoysPlayNice

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▼食堂可结合活动墙体背后的小型体育馆内的舞台,将自身转变成一个礼堂空间,the canteen can be turned into auditorium for a stage placed in the adjacent small gymnasium behind large movable partition in the canteen wall ©BoysPlayNice

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▼食堂的取餐窗口,the food windows of the canteen ©BoysPlayNice

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▼大厅楼梯,the stairs ©BoysPlayNice

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The interior is designed as „learning landscape“, a light-flooded fluid space that creates naturally defined zones of different privacy levels according to the space use. The building is also used for afterschool activities and as community center which is well reflected in the designed quality of common spaces both visual and functional.

Heart of the school is the canteen situated in the central building. This double height multifunctional space continues into the entrance foyer and thanks to ingenious floor plan can be turned into auditorium for a stage placed in the adjacent small gymnasium behind large movable partition in the canteen wall. The outdoor terrace next to the canteen sheltered by a green land slope provides as part of the school grounds additional place for interaction and extends the teaching space of workshops on the ground floor at the same time.

▼大厅上层空间,the upper level of the hall ©BoysPlayNice

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▼室内空间局部,partial interior view of the school ©BoysPlayNice

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▼储存柜区域使用黄色作为标识,the locker area uses yellow as its own colored identity ©BoysPlayNice

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▼不同颜色的卫生间区域,the restroom areas in different colors ©BoysPlayNice

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Learning areas are situated in the adjacent white buildings organized in clusters around wide staircases. Each cluster consists of two or three classrooms and a central hall, has access to an outdoor space and its own colored identity. Thanks to visual connection of all spaces the cluster creates a naturally enclosed smaller unit within the large building allowing for multiple teaching concepts and variable use. The clusters can be easily adapted by the kids using walls with special magnetic and writable surface.

▼白色坡屋顶体量的室内楼梯,the interior stairs in the white buildings ©BoysPlayNice

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▼教学空间以群组的形式围绕着楼梯布置,均拥有自己的色彩标识,the learning areas are organized in clusters around wide staircases, with each cluster having its own colored identity ©BoysPlayNice

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▼红色的群组空间,the cluster in the red color ©BoysPlayNice

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▼绿色的群组空间,the cluster in the green color ©BoysPlayNice

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▼透过窗户看室外的缓坡绿地,viewing the green land slope through the window ©BoysPlayNice

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Woodwork present throughout the interior is very important for the ambience. Wood is used as structural material of the roof grid in the lobby and canteen, as wall cladding and for built-in furniture, window sills and facade cladding. Together with a playful graphical identity based on children’s drawings the wooden elements give a warm and homelike feeling to the whole building.

▼屋顶格栅结构采用木材制成,the wood is used as structural material of the roof grid ©BoysPlayNice

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▼木元素加上基于儿童绘画的有趣的图形标识,营造出一种家一般的温馨感,together with a playful graphical identity based on children’s drawings the wooden elements give a warm and homelike feeling to the whole building ©BoysPlayNice

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The building is a monolithic reinforced concrete structure. Glued wooden trusses are used for the flat roof of the central building, pitched roofs are supported by steel frames. Exterior and interior walls are made from sand limestone bricks.

▼中心体量的平屋顶由胶合木梁支撑,the flat roof of the central building is supported by glued wooden beams ©BoysPlayNice

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The building is designed as passive house. Heating is provided by heat pumps combined with gas boilers that cover the peak hours and enable to use the heat pumps in optimal mode. There is hot water floor heating supported by radiators in the classrooms.

Air exchange is provided by pressure controlled ventilation system with passive heat recuperation with efficiency of 77%. Ventilation system units are situated decentralized on the roofs and attics of each building. The intensity of ventilation is controlled automatically using the CO2 values in the classrooms. In the summer time the system is used for night pre-cooling of the building operating at higher intensity. An extended rain water accumulation system is installed in the building using the rain water for irrigation and toilet flushing.

▼学校夜景远景,distant night view of the school ©BoysPlayNice

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▼学校夜景近景,close night view of the school ©BoysPlayNice

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▼首层平面图,ground floor plan ©SOA architekti

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▼二层平面图,first floor plan ©SOA architekti

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▼地下室平面图,basement floor plan ©SOA architekti

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▼剖面图,sections ©SOA architekti

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Studio: SOA architekti Authors: Ondřej Píhrt | lead architect, Štefan Šulek | architect, Ondřej Laciga | architect Co-authors: Irena Vojtová | architect, Pavel Směták | architect, Tereza Březovská | architect Project address: Pražská 1000, Dolní Jirčany, 252 44 Psáry, Czech Republic Project year: 2014 – 2017 Completion year: 2019 Construction area: 3.834 m2 Gross floor area: 9.308 m2 Net floor area: 8.300 m2 Construction volume: 43.000 m3 Costs: 16.600.000 € incl. tax (incl. interior) Client: Town Psáry  Photographs: BoysPlayNice

Collaborators: Construction engineer: Projekt Centrum NOVA  Energy consultant: Porsenna Graphic designer: Barbora Zachovalová Gastro engineer: InGastro General supplier: PKS stavby Interior supplier: DVD Jaroměřice nad Rokytnou

Materials: Linoleum Tarkett | flooring classrooms, canteen, gymnasiums STO PUR screed | flooring common areas AMF Heradesign | acoustic wall and ceiling panels Wienerberger brick pavement | pavement public areas KM beta Sendwix | sand limestone bricks outer walls

Products and Brands: Ecophon Master Rigid | acoustic ceilings classrooms Desso Airmaster | carpet flooring administration HARO sport | flooring and wall cladding gymnasiums Lindab roofing | pitched roofs Jánošík okna dveře | noframe windows, entrance doors Solara | large format skylights pitches roofs Lightway | sun tunnels, skylights flat roofs MM Cité | street furniture SAPELI | interior wooden doors PKS Okna | interior aluminium glazed doors TriLine | interior steel fire doors OTIS | elevators

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