
Ningbo’s Bund (Waitan) area holds high historic significance as the home of the province’s first post office. In establishing a new location on the banks of the Yongjiang River, the Bund Post Office sought to revive the establishment’s former significance and reestablish its role as the center of the community.

▼项目外观,exterior view © Wen Studio

外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-3


The new premise therefore needed to evoke a sense of nostalgia and at the same time provoke the boundaries of what is traditionally associated with concept of the post office. The Bund Post Office chose to collaborate its efforts with the neighboring “Nordic Books” to place an emphasis on lifestyle, while adding contemporary cultural interests into the mix.

▼室内概览,overview © Wen Studio

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The Bund Post Office’s three floors are made up of the post counter and station, gift and souvenir retail displays, and a children’s play area that is also used for workshops and seasonal events.

▼入口展示区,display area by the entrance © Wen Studio

外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-11


Nostalgic forms combined with a festive palette featuring greens, white and rich shades of red allow the historic references to live in a contemporary context. As visitors enter, the space opens up into a double height atrium, with a post office and checkout counter on the first floor and a striking and dynamic white staircase structure sweeping through the space from the first floor up to the mezzanine. The eye-catching staircase is clad in perforated metal mesh, creating a transparent and bold visual statement while incorporating functional writing surfaces and retail display structures at the same time.

▼看向邮政柜台,view of the post counter © Wen Studio

外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-15

▼天花板吊灯,decoration of the ceiling © Wen Studio

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▼二层零售区,retail area on the second floor © Wen Studio

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外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-20


The second floor sees the continuous extension of the mesh staircase structure as well as display shelves painted in a deep hue of crimson, with two built-in reading booths featuring green leather and custom lighting.

▼网状楼梯围合夹层,the mesh staircase structure enclosing space © Wen Studio

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外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-25


The third floor, which is entered through a bridge from the adjacent premise, is a private children’s event and workshop space, surrounded by undulating panels of glass windows and inspired by community rooftop gardens.

▼三层概览,overview of the third floor © Wen Studio

外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-29

伊始,客户希望 Yatofu 能够重新设想、定义邮局在一个社区中的作用。设计师通过研究了解到,在节日期间,例如: 节假日、生日,当然还有文化意义重大的中国新年,邮局通常发挥着极其重要的作用。因此我们对客户一开始提出 的构想进行重新定义,即设计一间多功能复合型的邮政局,将其正常功能与礼品零售、文化活动和儿童嬉戏/活动空间相结合。

The brief from the client was posed as a question: How can we reimagine the role of the post office in the community? The initial research led to the realization that post offices are often seen as most necessary during times of celebration – this means holidays, festivals, birthdays, and of course the culturally significant, Chinese New Year. This led to the redefinition of the brief itself as creating a post office that combined its normal functions with gift retail, cultural events, and a children’s event/play space.

▼儿童活动区,a private children’s event and workshop space © Wen Studio

外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-33

▼家具布置,the furnitures © Wen Studio

外滩邮政局室内设计,宁波 /复兴邮局于人们日常生活中的仪式感-35

外滩邮政局在功能上真正成为一间复合型社区中心,为购买节日礼物的消费者们提供优质商品,同时也成为社区居民们举行主题活动的悦聚场所。外滩邮政局以其完整复合的功能形式重新定义了邮局这一特定功能空间 在现代生活背景下的创新发展,室内空间的规划设计上超越了其收发邮件的初始目的功能,更为重要的是为访客和附近居民们提供了采购节日礼物和活动的中心,来访者们可以于此通过礼物、回忆和活动相互联系,空间也因此上演着许多不同的故事。

The Bund Post office therefore becomes a one-stop-shop for customers looking to send greetings and presents for celebratory purposes, and at the same time serve as a gathering point for the community’s families for seasonal events. In  its  completed  form,  the Bund Post Office  delivers a fresh perspective on the role of the post office  in  the modern setting.  It  reaches beyond its founding  purpose of sending and receiving  mail,  and offers a hub where visitors can connect with one another through  the  sharing of gifts, memories, and events.

▼细部,details © Wen Studio

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▼平面图,plan © Yatofu Creatives

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▼轴测图,axonometric © Yatofu Creatives

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