该项目是MIXD事务所为Echo Investment在华沙打造的新办公室,其设计直接与投资方的活动性质相关联:包括建筑、设计和城市规划在内的开发与建造。

The design of the Echo Investment office in Warsaw directly relates to the nature of the investor’s activity – the development industry and areas related to construction: including architecture, design and urban planning.

▼项目概览,Preview © Studio Pion

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设计的主要灵感源于诺兰导演的电影《盗梦空间》,其情节是在越来越深层的睡梦中展开,每个阶段都是由建筑师精心策划,且往往明显违背了物理学的规律。类似地,在进入办公室后,人们将首先置身于大厅区域巨大的天花板之下,其抽象的建筑形式直接回应了《盗梦空间》中标志性的、将城市倾倒过来的场景。而影片中用于区分梦境与现实的陀螺,则对应着办公室中的Magis Spun摇椅。

The main inspiration for the project was the film “Inception” directed by Christopher Nolan. Its main plot unfolds on increasingly deeper levels of sleep, each stage of which has been carefully planned by architects, often clearly against the laws of physics. Hence the idea for the first thing that catches our eyes after entering the office – the ceiling in the lobby area decorated with forms of abstract buildings. This directly refers to the iconic scene from “Inception”, in which the city turns upside down. Each of the characters in Nolan’s film had an artifact that distinguished dream from reality. One such artifact in the Echo Investment office are the Magis rocking chairs Spun, which are confusingly similar to the spinning top that appears in the film.

▼大厅区域的天花板回应了《盗梦空间》中的标志性场景,The ceiling in the lobby area directly refers to the scene from “Inception”, in which the city turns upside down © Studio Pion

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▼Magis Spun摇椅与电影中的陀螺对应 The Magis rocking chairs Spun are confusingly similar to the spinning top that appears in the film

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天花板上的木制元素同时也是摆放在大厅里的巨大城市模型的镜像,它体现了Echo Investment公司在塑造华沙城市和建筑景观过程中所具有的重要地位。透过全景窗户,可以将过去三十年间“排列”于Wola区的众多写字楼、酒店和公司总部大楼尽收眼底。

The wooden forms on the ceiling are also a kind of mirror image of the huge model of Warsaw placed in the lobby, which shows how much the current landscape of the capital owes its shape to the buildings erected by Echo Investment. It is also enough to look through panoramic windows to see “blocks” of office buildings, hotels or company headquarters “arranged” in the Wola district in the last three decades.

▼休息区,Lounge area © Studio Pion

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▼公用办公桌,hot desk zone © Studio Pion

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▼细节,Detail © Studio Pion

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The office itself – very elegant and made with great attention to detail – undoubtedly has something homey about it. This is due to the noble materials: wood, ceramics, metal, fabrics and leather, as well as warm colours palette dominated by browns and beiges.

Another source of inspiration was Warsaw Breweries – the place where the Echo Investment office is located. Numerous copper details refer to the brewing vats. In addition to copper, the design uses original cast-iron poles from the demolition of the former breweries buildings, which have been given a new function – plant pots.

▼主厨房区域,main kitchen area © Studio Pion

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▼餐桌上方装饰以镀锌的脚手架装置 galvanized scaffolding spatial installation  © Studio Pion

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▼拥有玻璃砖底座的桌子,The table with a base made of glass bricks © Studio Pion

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The thread of “Inception” found its continuation, among others. in conference rooms – each of them is a different stage of sleep. Just as in dreams, surprising, impossible, non-existent things and events often appear suddenly, in each of the conference rooms there is at least one characteristic element from the border of waking and dreaming or the sphere of optical illusions. So, going from the entrance, we will find a room with a copper lens that reverses the perspective, rooms with Penrose’s impossible triangle, an “architectural” room with a model of the same room inside, a room with 3D printing elements created in cooperation with the UAU project studio, and an “origami” room with a ceiling in the form of scaled “expanded metal “made of felt. The order is not accidental – each of the rooms and their furnishings refer to one of the key investments of Echo Investment and to one of the concepts related to architecture and urban planning, such as perspective, scale, form, creation or technology.

▼会议室内部,Interior view © Studio Pion

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▼每间会议室各自代表着“梦境”的不同阶段 © Studio Pion Each of the conference rooms is a different stage of sleep

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▼安静工作区,Quiet room © Studio Pion

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▼室内其他细节,Interior details © Studio Pion

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Object: Echo Investment Management Office Location: Browary Warszawskie, Warszawa Investor: Echo Investment Completion date: September 2021 Space: 7500 m2 Design: MIXD Design team: Piotr Kalinowski, Katarzyna Majer-Hola, Paweł Panek, Joanna Mazurek, Alicja Dziedziela, Marta Czarnecka, Katarzyna Stasina, Marta Jakubas, Anna Stachi, Beata Ogrodnik, Dominika Niewczas-Januszek, Małgorzata Trelińska, Adam Warchoł, Anna Kosecka, Agnieszka Kaczara, Martina Mirecki, Martyna Kolanus, Igor Demuth, Marta Filik, Jolanta Cioroch, Anna Szmańska, Olga Grabda, Stepan Symynets, Joanna Paterska, Małgorzata Zielonka, Aleksandra Bujacz, Adrianna Olszewska, Agata Motyka, Maja Ciszewska , Patryk Marciniszyn, Karolina Babiarz, Monika Sidorowicz, Jakub Bak, Magdalena Welcz, Julia Iwańczuk Ilustrations, collages: Nikodem Szpunar, Martyna Berger, Maciej Błaźniak Photos: Studio Pion


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