Sasaki与霍普金斯建筑设计事务所合作设计并已建成实施的科比学院(Colby College)哈罗德·阿方德运动中心(Harold Alfond Athletics and Recreation Center)位于缅因州沃特维尔市 ,占地约35万平方英尺(约32,516平方米),是缅因州当时最大的建设项目。该场馆使得科尔比学院在美国大学体育协会第三组别院校(Division III)中名列前茅,在体育场馆功能、品质和性能方面处于领先地位。这个先进的活动中心不囿于传统体育场馆的设计理念,巧妙地优化整合了科比学院所有的室内比赛和训练场地,以及其他配套空间,全面服务学校开展地各项体育健身活动项目。

▼建筑外观,External view of the building ©Jeremy Bittermann


Sasaki teamed with Hopkins Architects for the design and implementation of the Harold Alfond Athletics and Recreation Center at Colby College in Waterville, Maine. At approximately 350,000-square-feet the facility was the largest building project in Maine at the time of construction and puts the college at the forefront of Division III athletics and as a leader in athletics facility program, quality, and performance. The state-of-the-art facility transcends conventional athletics and recreation center design, efficiently and elegantly integrating all of Colby’s indoor competition venues, training areas, and other support spaces to comprehensively serve all campus athletics, recreation, and wellness programs

▼总平面图,Site plan ©Sasaki



The new building and surrounding landscape are the epicenter for athletics, recreation, health, and wellness on campus. This facility is home to a range of program types and venues, including a multi-purpose field house (containing an indoor track and tennis courts), ice arena,  50-meter pool, competition gymnasium, squash courts, strength and fitness center, climbing wall, multipurpose spaces, locker rooms, sports medicine facilities, offices, and outdoor amenities. Sited on land formerly occupied by playing fields at the campus’ northwestern edge, the building provides a new gateway to the campus. The bold design complements the existing traditional campus architecture, signaling a new chapter for Colby athletics and recreation.

▼鸟瞰,Aerial view ©Jeremy Bittermann



The uniquely comprehensive facility is efficiently arranged and clearly organized with an emphasis on daylight and openness. The entrance invites visitors into a lobby that opens up the heart of the building and unifies around a common source of natural light and long view-sheds, functioning as a central crossroads for the new center. Major venues are sited around a central courtyard that connects all three levels and provides clarity and orientation for both visitors and everyday users. The entire building design is deliberately transparent to maximize views into venues and to intuitively articulate the building’s organization—conveying a sense of intimacy despite its expansive scale.

▼围绕大厅的流线和通高玻璃立面,Circulation around the lobby and full height glass facade ©Jeremy Bittermann



A two-story entry lounge connects the various programmatic elements together, creating a laid back environment for students and student athletes alike to enjoy the space together. The main circulation sits adjacent to the central courtyard and offers glimpses into the building’s activity as users ascend and descend. Glazing was strategically placed to provide daylight into major venues and create connectivity with the surrounding landscape.

▼中庭,Central courtyard ©Jeremy Bittermann


“这个项目表达清晰,体验亲切,光线充盈,视野开阔,细节动人,让每一位科比大家庭的成员都拥有非凡的体验。”——科比学院院长 David A. Greene

“This project is crisp and welcoming in its design, light-filled and open in its presentation, and carefully considered in every detail to make for an exceptional experience for each and every member of the Colby community.”——Colby President David A. Greene


Level one is the competition level and contains the athletes’ entrance with immediate proximity to the sport medicine suite, all locker rooms, and access to fields. The primary public entrance is on the second level, providing spectators direct access to viewing areas for the aquatics center, ice arena, gymnasium, squash center, and field house. Offices organized in pods on level three create a communal relationship among programs and views into venues. The courtyard unifies the entire building around a single external space establishing a strong point of orientation and wayfinding with visual connections between and across all levels and venues.

▼光线透过水上运动中心,洒落至比赛和训练场地的运动馆中 Light filters through the aquatics center to the gymnasium which includes both competition and practice courts ©Jeremy Bittermann


▼多功能体育场馆内包含室内跑道、网球场以及攀岩墙 The multipurpose field house contains an indoor track, tennis courts, and a climbing wall ©Jeremy Bittermann


▼体育场馆的墙上印有鲜明的图样 Bold graphics anchor the walls of the field house ©Matthew Arielly


▼玻璃幕墙引入自然光线和景观 Glass curtain wall introducing natural light and landscape into the space ©Matthew Arielly


▼壁球场尽端的落地窗为场馆提供了更多的自然光线 Windows at the end of the squash courts provide more natural light into the facility ©Matthew Arielly


▼冰场内设1,400个观众座席 The ice arena provides seating for 1,400 spectators ©Matthew Arielly



The mass of the building is broken down to a series of forms which holistically relate to the campus scale. Each of the five separate venues is clearly articulated and differentiated by size, but together they create a legible profile set in the landscape between the campus and adjacent highway.

▼从外部看,各大功能活动体块均得以鲜明呈现 On the exterior each of the major programmatic venues is articulated through its own volume ©Jeremy Bittermann



A hierarchy of materials is used to articulate the building’s organization and to convey a sense of human scale despite its overall size. The facades that face the campus feature glass and a distinctively sheened grey brick which complements the metallic finishes used elsewhere in the building. Materials progress through a translucent polycarbonate structure to the larger scale and industrial aesthetic of the metal panels that face the nearby interstate highway. An innovation approach to facade installation allowed horizontal datum lines to be continuously integrated throughout the design, lending subtle elegance and cohesion to the building’s expression. Sheened grey brick complements the metallic finishes used elsewhere in the building and contextually calls back to the red brick of the Neo-Georgian campus

▼连贯的水平立面,Continuous horizontal facade ©Jeremy Bittermann


▼灰砖立面和金属饰面相得益彰,Gray brick surface complements the metallic finishes ©Jeremy Bittermann



The college is one of the leading sustainable environments in the country, and is one of only four campuses to achieve carbon neutrality. Core sustainability principles related to indoor air quality, daylight and views, thermal comfort and building performance are seamlessly integrated into the building and site design to meet project goals related to health, wellness, and optimal performance of body and mind. The project is expected to achieve a minimum of LEED Gold certification and will be the first SITES Silver certified project in Maine.

▼从道路另一侧看向建筑,View to the building from the opposite side of the road ©Jeremy Bittermann



The project is part of a larger effort of Colby’s to improve the competitive results of its intercollegiate athletics’ programs, promote and encourage a healthy campus, and deepen its connection to the local community and region

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Sasaki


▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©Sasaki


▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©Sasaki


业主:科比学院 位置:缅因州沃特维尔市 面积:约35万平方英尺(约32516平方米) 合作团队:霍普金斯建筑设计事务所(Hopkins Architects) 摄影师:Jeremy Bittermann;Matthew Arielly;部分图纸由霍普金斯建筑事务所提供 服务范围:建筑 额外服务:景观 现状:2020年建成

CLIENT: Colby College LOCATION: Waterville, ME SIZE: Approximately 350,000 SF TEAM: Hopkins Architects CERTIFICATIONS: Targeting LEED Gold and SITES PHOTOGRAPHER: Jeremy Bittermann; Matthew Arielly; Drawings courtesy of Hopkins Architects SERVICES: Architecture ADDITIONAL SERVICES: Landscape Architecture| STATUS: Completed 2020