© Thomas Jantscher

C.Thomas Jantsche

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-2


Text description provided by the architects. The village of Apples is located at the foot of the Jura mountains, north of the city of Morges. To address today’s strong population growth in the region, a dozen municipalities joined forces to build a new school complex.

© Thomas Jantscher

C.Thomas Jantsche

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-7

Collège du Léman是Collège du高原的延伸,建在俯瞰日内瓦湖的山坡上的架子上,面向现有建筑,并定义了一个用作游乐场的室外空间。新大楼由两部分组成,一部分以“L”的形式排列,一个用来容纳教室,另一个是一个多用途的大厅。

The Collège du Léman, an extension of the Collège du Plateau, is built on a shelf on otherwise sloped terrain overlooking Lake Geneva, faces the existing building and defines an outdoor space used as playground. The new building comprises two parts aligned in the form of an “L”, one to accommodate classrooms, the other a multipurpose hall.

Ground Floor Plan

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-11


Through the shape of its roof, the new building engages a dialogue with the existing building and, through its location at the entrance to the village, maintains a strong link with the site and its environment.

© Thomas Jantscher

C.Thomas Jantsche

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-16


The design of the new school complex is marked by the alternating use of lateral façades crowned by high roofs and pitched façades reminiscent of the typical features of large Vaud farmhouses. Designed with copper cladding and wide windows, the extension stands out from the existing building by the abstract use of materials without denying its allegiance to the new complex.

© Thomas Jantscher

C.Thomas Jantsche

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-21


From the playground, the main entrance connects to a walk-through space used both as a foyer for the multipurpose hall and as a dining hall. Inside, the classrooms and corridors benefit from the spatial potential of the inclining roof as well as from the generous supply of natural daylight further amplified as a result of reflection on the white concrete walls.

© Thomas Jantscher

C.Thomas Jantsche

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-26


Like the town council chambers located under the eaves of the second floor and orientated by a large window in the direction ofthe village, the materials and large-sized openings convey an atmosphere of protection and overture to the outside world.

© Thomas Jantscher

C.Thomas Jantsche

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-31

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-32

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-33

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-34

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-35

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-36

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-37

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-38

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-39

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-40

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-41

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-42

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-43

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-44

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-45

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-46

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-47

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-48

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-49

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-50

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-51

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-52

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-53

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-54

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-55

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-56

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-57

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-58

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-59

Multipurpose Sports Hall and Secondary School Collège du Léman  Graeme Mann - Patricia Capua Mann-60

Architects Graeme Mann & Patricia Capua Mann

Location Apples, Switzerland

Category Elementary & Middle School

Area 4609.0 sqm

Project Year 2009

Photographs Thomas Jantscher