Israel Mevaseret Zion City Music School





设计团队:Rolka Studio


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日前,Rolka Studio团队揭示了他们对于Mevaseret Zion音乐学校的

。Mevaseret Zion学校是当地的Mevaseret Zion市政委员会和以色列景观建筑协会以及音乐协会共同出资建设的。项目方为此举办了一场设计竞赛,而Rolka团队的作品赢得了最后的胜利。

该项目中,设计团队十分注重自然景观与人造景观的结合,打造一个独具特色的音乐教育学校。竞赛的评审对于该作品的评价是,它完美地体现了自然与人文社会之间不可分离的关系,在表演与景观,声效与地理的衔接处理上十分得当,是这85个参赛作品中最出色的。场地位于三个不同的城市公共领域之间,北边是一个开放广场,南边是一个住宅社区。这里也是Mevaseret Zion市的中心位置,该音乐学校成为了该地区的标志性景观,它周边的广场也受到了人们的欢迎,每天都在演绎着不同的故事,非常热闹。


Rolka Studio have unveiled their winning proposal for the Mevaseret Zion Conservatory in Israel. A joint venture of the local council of Mevaseret Zion, the Israeli Architects Association and the Musicon Association, the competition sought a design that integrated the urban and natural borders of the site with the unique musical program.

The judges commented that it was Rolka Studios’ interrogation of the “relationship between the creator and nature, between performance and landscape, sound and topography” that made their proposal stand out from the 85 entries. The building sits at the junction of three different types of public space; continuous urban public space on the north, Hare’el nature park, and a smaller scale neighborhood public space to the south. Despite these natural borders, the site is centrally located within Mevaseret Zion city, and this position required consideration of its public presence as a landmark and urban square.

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