BIG 建筑事务所的大型展览“从热到冷”,日前正在华盛顿的国家博物馆展览,让人们在800英尺的步伐中体会从芬兰苔原的寒意到阿拉伯沙漠的烈日。建筑,适应着全球各地的气候,并塑造着城市的面貌。与此同时推出的,还有BIG近700页的出版物。

Through the scorching heat of the Arabian Desert to the unforgiving chill of the Finnish tundra, HOT TO COLD: an odyssey of architectural adaptation takes visitors on a journey across the globe to explore the forces that shape our cities and buildings. BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group’s first North-American exhibition runs at the National Building Museum from January 24th , 2015 – August 30th, 2015, and is accompanied by a 700-page catalogue from Taschen.