
Dragon Lake plays an important role in the planning of the Zheng Zhou East new district. The Art Center is located in the waterfront public park along the Lake shore. It is expected not only to showcases the best contemporary art and public programs, but also together with its surrounding public space, to become a desirable and vibrant place where people can engage with each other, enjoy the view of the new development of the region and to celebrate and enhance their waterfront experience.

▼郑东新区龙湖公共艺术中心,Zhengdong New District Dragon Lake Public Art Center © 陈溯、方淳

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▼从龙湖上空鸟瞰,Top view of the site © 陈溯、方淳

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Along the Lake shore there are no big buildings around. We wanted to limit the impact of the Art Center on the surroundings to a level that it seems grown directly from there and just a part of the landscape.

▼建筑与景观“二力”作用下的产物 © STUDIO A+ The Art Center presents its form of half architecture and half landscape under the interaction of the two ‘forces’.

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▼用地周边城市地标及重要景观 Major landmarks around the site in all directions © STUDIO A+

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We buried the major part of the building volume into a green mound. The only volume visible from the city is a big ‘ring’ hovering above it. Inside the ring there is the major art exhibition space where people can also enjoy the 360-degree panoramic view of the newly developed region.

▼夕阳中的湖景,view from the lake © 存在建筑

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The parking goes underground. The multimedia hall is positioned on the ground floor in cubical form and buried into the undulated green land. The visible volume of the program is diminished to the extent that it does not overpower the waterfront settings.

▼塑形地貌及被掀起的“地表” © 蒋镇东 By burying and lifting the key volumes, we give the most part of the outdoor space back to the city

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▼笔直而硬朗的坡体脊线彰显了景观的人工痕迹,The ridge lines highlight the artificiality of the landscape © 蒋镇东

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▼玲珑通透的圆环,The exquisite and transparent ring © 蒋镇东

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In contrast with the inward-looking multimedia hall, another art exhibition hall is a wide-open platform where people can look out while they enjoy the art. Since there are major landmarks around the site in all directions, the hall is defined as a circular form, a ring, so that people can walk along the space and gain 360-degree bird eye view out to the Dragon Lake region. The floating ‘ring’ expresses its truss work as a crown, celebrating the city’s achievement.

▼圆环内大全景观景窗 Panoramic view to the Lake regon from inside of the Ring © 陈溯、方淳

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漫步的路径主要有一明一暗两条动线。“明线”依托于景观之上,“暗线”则植根于建筑内部。“暗线”服务于公共艺术中心室内空间的造访者,而“可引导任何一个来访者直接到达“绿丘”顶部平台。这里由漂浮于空中的圆环体量围合出一个圆形内庭院。庭院中心是圆形薄水池,有很强的向心性。然而这个庭院并不是内向的,其 “虚拟”的边界是位于圆环下方被有意制造出压抑感的一圈灰空间。圆形内庭院通过这里向外部广阔的湖岸公园延展。

▼“明线”与“暗线”,the “bright lines” and the “dark lines” © STUDIO A+

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When arranging the two major art exhibition halls, we embedded a square one into the earth, and lifted a round one into the air to give the most part of the outdoor space back to the city – between the two completely different spaces of the purest geometries, between earth and sky, there are platforms at multiple levels to accommodate different public activities.

Although the art exhibition halls and related functional rooms are enclosed indoor spaces, the building in general is an open architecture where people can promenade.

▼圆环与 “绿丘”(多媒体大厅)顶部平台之间的虚空间为观景提供了有庇护的良好视野,View on the terrace above the multimedia hall © 陈溯、方淳

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▼圆环下方被有意制造出压抑感的一圈灰空间,限定了“大全景”观景视窗,View on the terrace above the multimedia hall © 陈溯、方淳

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▼圆形庭院,Courtyard on top of the green mound © 存在建筑

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▼正对主入口广场的大台阶通往“绿丘”(内有多媒体大厅)顶部的观景平台 View from the plaza entrance the stairs leading up to the rooftop terrace  © 陈溯、方淳

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▼从圆形内院看向枯山水观景平台区 Sight seeing terrace with Zen garden © 陈溯、方淳

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The art center is adjacent to the lakeshore walkway. It becomes the highest point of the area and an iconic focal point. The building and the landscape interact and form a series of platforms at different levels and to different directions. Theses platforms are connected by grand steps, spiral stairs, slopes, elevators and other vertical elements, and form a large scaled multi-dimensional promenade system as the expansion of the lakeshore walkway.

We choreographed the journey for different group of visitors’ moving through the place. No mater you are Art Center visitors or just public park visitors, there are routes to lead you up gradually all the way to the top of the ‘ring’ to enjoy what the place can offer. By leaving the ground the visitors can enjoy the art and scenery beyond, which would not be able to be appreciated on the lakeshore otherwise.

▼旋转楼梯,The ‘Elephant’ spiral stairs © 陈溯、方淳

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▼“大象”旋转楼梯内景与直通屋顶观景平台的“上山小径” © 陈溯、方淳 Giant Ring hovering above the pathway leading up to the rooftop terrace

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▼大会议室天窗旁的休息座椅,Outdoor seating by the skylight © 陈溯、方淳

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The structure of the building consists of two parts: the lower part is a reinforced concrete frame shear wall structure,  while the upper part an integral steel truss work.

▼结构整体计算模型 & 圆环钢桁架,structure model & the upper part an integral steel truss work © STUDIO A+

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The ‘ring’ with a diameter of 51.2 m is supported by only 3 columns with big spans in between. All columns are combined with a wall, a stair or a green mound.

▼支点一——景框,One column with a wall © 陈溯、方淳

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▼支点二——绿丘,One column with a green mound © 陈溯、方淳

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▼支点三——“大象”旋转楼梯,One column with a stair © 蒋镇东

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To ensure the unobstructed panoramic view, all the columns at the perimeter (outer circle) are eliminated by a cantilever structure from the inner circle of the ‘ring’. The glass curtain wall is also designed transparent and seamless. All columns are combined with a wall, a stair or a green mound, so that the ‘ring’ seems a visually unsupported object.

▼“漂浮”于绿丘之上的圆环,Ring and green mound © 蒋镇东

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The pattern of the interior wall and ceiling of the ‘ring’ is derived from the form of structural trusses behind. To ensure the unobstructed panoramic view inside the ‘ring’, all columns at the perimeter (outer circle) are eliminated by a cantilevered structure from the center (inner circle). The glass curtain wall is also designed to be transparent and frameless.

The material of the lower portion of the building is bare concrete, visually heavy and earthy. In contrast, the material of the ring is lightweight cladded aluminum panels or louvers.

▼主入口广场,Entry plaza © 蒋镇东

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▼圆环内部连体墙与顶的形式反映了其钢桁架的形态 © 陈溯、方淳 The pattern of the interior wall and ceiling of the Ring is derived from the form of structural trusses behind

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The art work displayed along the inner wall of the ‘ring’ will be lit up at night and can be seen from outside. Inside the ‘ring’, the crown shaped pattern derived from the structure of the ‘ring’ is articulated by lighting. The ‘ring’ becomes a symbol at the city’s nightscape. The Art Center is a smart building, since its lighting system will be connected with the region’s big data and output dynamic real time artistic expressions after specially designed data processing procedure. In another word, the ‘ring’ will express different moods defined by the region’s weather or traffic conditions and so on. Furthermore, the ‘ring’ can become a media art platform to allow artists to express ideas freely.

▼城市生活舞台,A stage for urban life © 存在建筑

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The lighting reinforces the publicity and sociality of the Art Center. Lighting is also closely reflecting public social life. During the Chinese New Year, the ‘ring’ may turn into a red lantern to celebrate the traditional holiday. At the regular nights, the lighting can be very low-key, becoming a cloud of stars shimmering in the dark sky. It become a desirable and vibrant place where people can engage with each other, enjoy the view of the new development of the region and to celebrate their waterfront experience.

▼夜景,The Ring glows at night as a crown of the city © 陈溯、方淳

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▼总平面图,Site Plan © STUDIO A+

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▼一层屋顶平面图,Rooftop garden (second floor) plan © STUDIO A+

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▼剖面A-A,Section A-A © STUDIO A+

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▼剖面B-B,Section B-B © STUDIO A+

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项目名称:龙湖公共艺术中心 Project: Zheng dong New District Dragon Lake Public Art Center 项目地点:郑州 Position: Zhengzhou, Henan Province 建筑面积:21205.88 平方米 Floor area: 21205.88 ㎡ 总用地面积:16404.24平方米 Site area: 16404.24 ㎡ 主创设计师:王敏(STUDIO A+ ) Leader Designer: Min Wang (STUDIO A+ ) 设计团队: Team: 建筑:王敏,丁梅,李辉,王玉良,苗业、朱士壮、刘大华、王崇硕、刘科峰、赵玉峰、李瑞、葛家乐、宋依阳、张明岩 Architectural design: Min Wang, Mei Ding, Hui Li, Yuliang Wang, Ye Miao, Shizhuang Miao, Dahua Liu, Chongshuo Wang, Kefeng Liu, Yufeng Zhao, Rui Li, Jiale Ge, Yiyang Song, Mingyan Zhang 结构:王洪兴、陈亚超、储德文、毛彦喆、陈龙 Structure design: Hongxing Wang, Yachao Chen, Dewen Chu, Yanzhe Mao, Long Chen 结构技术指导:肖从真 Structure consultant: Congzhen Xiao 机电:米长虹、陈港,赵培江、刘守勇、李弘、张鹏、张立影、孙振宇、孙斌、沈宝龙、王树伟 Electromechanical design: Chaohong Mi, Gang Chen, Peijiang Zhao, Shouyong Liu, Hong Li, Peng Zhang, Liying Zhang, Zhenyu Sun, Bin Sun, Baolong Shen, Shuwei Wang BIM:姜昊、高懿婷、周晓强、刘岩、靳恒 BIM: Hao Jiang, Yiting Gao, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Yan Liu, Heng Jin 幕墙:曲冰、高驰 Curtain wall design: Bing Qu, Chi Gao 灯光:王东宁、周丽华、梁金龙、陈强 Lighting design: Dongning Wang, Lihua Zhou, Jinlong Liang, Qiang Chen 室内:张戈、李午亭、王鸿玉 Interior design: Ge Zhang, Wuting Li, Hongyu Liu 景观:张雯雯、刘溥琦、申恺 Landscape design: Wenwen Zhang, Puqi Liu, Kai Shen 甲方:郑州市郑东新区建设开发投资总公司 Client: Zhengdong New District Construction Development Investment Co.,Ltd. 竣工时间:2020年9月 Completed in Sept 2020 设计单位:STUDIO A+ (优加设计) Design: STUDIO A+ 合作单位:哈尔滨工业大学建筑设计研究院,中国建筑科学研究院有限公司 Partner: The Architectural Design and Research Institute of HIT, China Academy of Building Research 施工单位:中建八局第二建设有限公司 Construction: The Second Construction Limited Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division 摄影:陈溯,方淳,存在建筑(Arch-exist photography),蒋镇东 Photo credit: Su Chen, Chun Fang, Arch-exist photography, Zhendong Jiang

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