2021年9月13日,即将离任的国家教育、文化和科学部长Ingrid Van Engelshoven为位于阿默斯福特的荷兰收藏中心(CC NL)正式揭幕。四家文化机构——荷兰国家博物馆、荷兰露天博物馆、罗宫以及荷兰文化遗产局的非永久艺术展品被集体迁至馆内。

On Monday September 13, outgoing Minister of Education, Culture and Science Ingrid Van Engelshoven opened the new CollectionCentre Netherlands (CC NL) in Amersfoort, The Netherlands. The non-permanently exhibited art and heritage pieces of the Rijksmuseum, the Netherlands Open Air Museum, Paleis Het Loo and the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands are brought together in the CC NL.

▼项目外观,general view © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee



荷兰收藏中心由cepezed事务所及其室内设计团队担纲设计,并与ABT公司、Valstar Simonis和Peutz分别在结构稳定性、装置设计以及建筑物理学和可持续性方面进行了密切合作。

cepezed and cepezed interior designed the building, in close collaboration with ABT for the stability, Valstar Simonis for the installations and Peutz for building physics and sustainability.

▼鸟瞰,aerial view © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee




The CC NL stores approximately half a million objects. These range from paintings to sculptures, jewellery, clothing, clocks, furniture and other objects of crafts and use. They come from all over Dutch history and from all walks of life. Examples are royal thrones and furniture from noble families, but also merry-go-round horses, historic bicycles, sleighs and a steam engine weighing more than 7,000 kilos. Together, the collections form “the physical memory of the Netherlands”.

▼50万件藏品共同构成了“荷兰的记忆实体”,500,000 objects together form “the physical memory of the Netherlands” © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee






Both organizationally and with regard to contents, the four institutions in the CC NL work closely together, in a way that is unique in the world. For example, the objects are not stored and classified per institution, but more according to, for example, nature, type and date. The collections thus show striking connections. The CC NL also offers unique facilities for the Netherlands that benefit the entire cultural sector. For example, for the first time in the Netherlands, there are special quarantine rooms in which museum pieces can be rid of harmful insects and fungi by means of freezing cold or oxygen extraction. In addition, the building includes a photo studio and an X-ray room. It also contains two large restoration studios that can also be used by other cultural institutions. CC NL stimulates research into the collections and promotes their mobility. For example, fellow museums are welcome to borrow and the building is accessible for research and education by appointment. The CC NL has no public function.

▼内部空间,interior view © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee



▼内部设施包括特殊隔离室和修复室等 © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee The CC NL offers unique facilities, including special quarantine rooms and restoration studios, etc.






▼剖面图,section © cepezed



Functionally, the building consists of three linked construction sections, which are called the ‘head’, the ‘neck’ and the ‘trunk’. The ‘head’ is a transparent volume with the entrance and offices. In the ‘neck’ are the workshops where objects are examined and restored. The X-ray room, photo studio, freezer room, quarantine and oxygen-free areas and a space for transport preparation are also located in this building section. Finally, the ‘trunk’ is a compact, closed volume of four storeys. This is the actual depot with large spans of 8.1 meters for maximum layout flexibility. For optimal protection against fire, the fire compartments are small and the partitions of a high classification. The ‘trunk’ also contains special facilities such as a cold store for audiovisual material and on the ground floor an extra large space for large and heavy objects.

▼入口空间位于建筑的“头部”, the entrance is located in the ‘head’ of the building © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee



▼连接“头部”和“颈部”的庭院空间,the patio between the ‘head’ and ‘neck’ © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee



从“头部”到“躯干”,建筑的各部分由两条相互平行的、7米宽的轴线连接,它贯穿并开放于建筑的整个长度,构成了收藏中心的交通动脉。其中一条轴线连接了建筑前方的带顶区域和“躯干”内的仓库。建筑的立面以整洁的铝皮包覆。在夜里,大楼将由灯光艺术家Herman Kuijer设计的照明点亮。

From ‘head’ to ‘trunk’, the building sections are connected by two parallel, seven-metre-wide axes that open up the building over its full length and thus form the main traffic arteries. One of the axes connects the covered forwarding area at the front to the depots in the ‘trunk’. The facades are clad with a sleek aluminum skin. In the dark hours, the building is illuminated according to a design by light artist Herman Kuijer.

▼夜间外观,exterior view by night © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee




▼建筑立面细节,facade detailed view © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee




The depot has an RC value of 10, while the ‘head’ and ‘neck’ also have a high insulation value and an RC value of 6. In addition, these building parts use an ATES and a gray water system to flush the toilets, for example. More than 3,600 m2 of solar panels have been installed on the roof. The building is energy neutral (building-related use) and the overall use of energy is almost zero-energy (user-related use).

▼仓库空间,depot spaces © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee






Sustainability and nature development were also leading in the design of the patio between the ‘head’ and ‘neck’ and the grounds around the building. The site design contributes maximally to the development of the local flora and fauna; for example, rabbits and foxes have already been spotted around the building on a number of occasions. A wadi, a natural water basin that collects rain water and also functions as an infiltration facility for the surrounding vegetation, is part of both the ecological landscape design and the security measures.

▼从景观区望向建筑,view from the landscaped ground © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee




Much attention has been paid to making CC NL a pleasant and functional workplace for the approximately thirty employees of the various institutions. The building has a clear and well-arranged layout, the transport zones are spacious and support efficient logistics, while the workshops receive abundant daylight through the patio and north-facing shed roofs.

▼办公空间,office area © cepezed | Lucas van der Wee




CC NL was built in the Vathorst district in Amersfoort, right along the A28 motorway. This location was chosen because of its good accessibility. First of all, the location is centrally located in the Netherlands and is easily accessible for all four institutions involved. Because CC NL wants to stimulate loan traffic, the proximity of a highway is also important. Moreover, the new building is within walking distance of the Amersfoort Vathorst train station, which means that people can also get there by public transport without any problems.

▼整体鸟瞰,site aerial view © Chris Langemeijer | Rijksmuseum



建筑于2018年5月开始施工,2020年夏天投入使用。在一年的时间内,四个机构的所有藏品被如数搬运至收藏中心,搬迁工作涉及3家搬运公司和约70位工作人员,总共动用了869辆卡车。荷兰国家博物馆的负责人Udo Feitsma将这一过程描述为“历时一年的聚会”。荷兰露天博物馆的发言人Udo Feitsma同样对这一共同的“新家”表达了喜悦之情:“当我来到收藏中心,就像是一个小孩走进了糖果店。一切都是那么美丽动人。”“最让我感到高兴的是,四家机构的收藏共同构成了荷兰的历史,在这里,我们得以将其逐一看清。”

Construction started in May 2018 and the building was taken into use by the four partners in the summer of 2020. In a year’s time, all objects of the four institutions were brought from the existing depots to the CC NL and housed there. About 70 people and three removal companies worked on this. It took a total of 869 truck trips to move the collection to CC NL, a process that Rijksmuseum location director Wim Houben has experienced as “a year-long party”. Spokesperson Udo Feitsma of the Netherlands Open Air Museum is also very enthusiastic about the new accommodation for the collections. “When I walk around here, I’m like a kid in a candy store. It’s just so beautiful to see,” he says. “What I really like about CC NL is that these four collections together form the history of the Netherlands. And you can see that very well here.”

▼搬迁过程,the process of relocation © Werry Crone



▼场地平面图,site plan © cepezed



▼剖面图1,section 1 © cepezed



▼剖面图2,section 2 © cepezed



▼庭院和办公区剖面,section – patio and office © cepezed



project: Collection Center Netherlands (CC NL) address project: Verbindingsweg 1, Amersfoort, The Netherlands client: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam users: Rijksmuseum, Amserdam | Dutch Open Air Museum, Arnhem | Paleis het Loo, Apeldoorn, Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency, Amersfoort architect: architectenbureau cepezed, Delft consultant stability: ABT, Delft consultant installation techniques: Valstar Simonis, Rijswijk construction physics, acoustics, fire safety & sustainability: Peutz, Zoetermeer interior design: cepezedinterieur, Delft landscaping: Ruijzenaars Landscapes, Amersfoort lighting design: Herman Kuijer main contractor: Visser & Smit Bouw, Rotterdam contractor construction: G&S Bouw, Amsterdam project period: may 2016-april 2020 gfo: 31.500 m2 photography: cepezed | Lucas van der Wee, Chris Langemeijer | Rijksmuseum

measurements building: 166 x 80 x 24 m (L x W x H) number of staff: ca. 30 quarantaine facilities: cold storage room, treatment room pesticides, low oxygen cells other facilities: restoration studios (1000 m2 jointly), x-ray room, photo studio (260 m2), project room, woodworking room, packaging room, truck docks, parking places for cars and bicycles depot storeys: 4 depots: 39 shelf space: 19.110 m1 mobile floor space: 960 m2 mesh wall: 24.250 m2 (fixed and mobile) roll racks: 1.287 tubes drawers: 3.655 panel racks: 117 cabinets for hanging: 191 heaviest object: steam engine Tarzan (7.200 kilogram) largest object: barrel organ De Blauwe Mortier (The Blue Mortar) (5,40 m x 7,60 m) transfer collections: 1 year | 869 truck rides pv-panels: 2.180 (3.600 m2)






