
In “DATA”, SpY offers a reflection on the rapid and widespread inclusion of algorithms in numerous aspects of our lives. In this audio-visual work, digital abstraction is used to explore and interpret how predictive tools operated through algorithms and artificial intelligence are highly beneficial in terms of aspects such as communication, research and medicine, but can also lead us to lose some of our freedoms if they are not used ethically.

▼装置坐落在马德里狭窄的小巷中, The project is nestled in a narrow alleyway in Madrid ©RubenP Bescos




Through this immersive audio-visual format, SpY explores new tools such as the holographic fabrics used to give the graphics an amazing sense of weightlessness. A 15-meter high screen made from this fabric was installed in one of Madrid’s smallest streets between the walls of the buildings. This created an immersive experience for the audience, who were able to walk along the street and enjoy the work of art from both sides.

▼全息数字影像为画面赋予了一种惊人的失重感, The holographic digital image gives the picture an amazing sense of weightlessness ©RubenP Bescos



▼项目旨在揭示大数据在人们生活中的意义, The project aims to reveal the significance of data in our lives ©RubenP Bescos




LuzMadrid is the first International Festival of Light to be held in the city of Madrid. LuzMadrid will be the first edition of the International Festival of Light to take place in the Spanish capital. It forms part of the renowned network of Festivals of Light being held in cities across the European Union: Lyon, Frankfurt, Brussels, Lisbon, Tallinn, Eindhoven, Turin, etc. Madrid thus joins a cultural tradition which began in the mid-1990s, where light plays a central role and the evenings are transformed into glittering celebrations of art and creativity.

▼其他数字化影像, Other scenes of the digital images ©RubenP Bescos





Soundtrack: @omar.tenani Production: @antidoto.es Photo: @rubenpb














