KCAP团队于本月赢得了冰岛凯夫拉维克机场地区战略总体规划竞赛,其方案将雄心勃勃的经济发展理念与可持续的城市设计、景观和交通策略结合在一起。由KCAP领导的多学科团队包括WSP, Felixx, MIC Mobility in Chain, VSO Consulting, Buck Consultants International, Buro Happold, Base Design, Maurits Schaafsma, Amberg Loglay和Kanon Arkitektar等多方设计和顾问机构。本次竞赛的组织者为凯夫拉维克机场发展公司(Kadeco)——他们同时负责冰岛全球航空枢纽周围55平方公里区域的开发。

With an integrated vision that links an ambitious economic development concept to sustainable urban design, landscape, and mobility strategies, Team KCAP won the international competition for the Keflavík Airport Area Strategic Masterplan in Iceland. The multidisciplinary team led by KCAP includes WSP, Felixx, MIC Mobility in Chain, VSO Consulting, Buck Consultants International, Buro Happold, Base Design, Maurits Schaafsma, Amberg Loglay and Kanon Arkitektar. The competition was organised by the Keflavík Airport Development Company (Kadeco), which leads the development of a 55km2 area surrounding Iceland’s global aviation hub.

▼凯夫拉维克机场区域战略总体规划,Keflavík Airport Area, Strategic Masterplan © KCAP



Kadeco的首席执行官Pálmi Freyr Randversson称赞该获奖方案为“实现机场地区未来愿景的关键一步。很高兴能够与KCAP团队合作这一具有国际意义的项目”。整体规划旨在将机场地区所在的战略性场地转变为一个展示国家经济蓬勃发展和可持续发展策略的平台,并提出了鼓励公共和私人部门协同发展的建议——正是以上方法使KCAP的提案在竞赛中拔得头筹(第二名和第三名分别由Arup和Jacobs带领的国际团队获得)。

Kadeco’s CEO Pálmi Freyr Randversson praised the winning proposal as ‘a crucial step to realising our future vision for the airport area. I’m thrilled to partner with Team KCAP on this project of national importance.’ The masterplan seeks to transform strategic locations in the airport area into a showcase for the country’s ambitious economic development and sustainability strategies. It was this approach—together with the proposal for collaborative development between public and private sectors—that earned the team the first prize. The second and third prizes were awarded to international consortia led by Arup and Jacobs respectively.

▼凯夫拉维克机场区东南鸟瞰,Southeast view of the Keflavík Airport Area © KCAP




The winning proposal aims to capitalise on Keflavik’s strategic position between Europe and North America, its plentiful supply of renewable energy, and the captivating landscape of the Reykjanes UNESCO Geopark; it sets the path for long-term sustainable development and acts as a catalyst to innovate the Icelandic economy. At the same time, the masterplan seeks to ensure that the airport and local communities of Reykjanesbær and Suðurnesjabær grow together in a mutually beneficial manner. With that in mind, Team KCAP’s proposal emphasises projects that have a strong local ownership and respond to existing needs.

▼凯夫拉维克机场区域综合开发示意,Integrated Development of the Keflavík Airport Area © KCAP




The team’s strategy identifies catalyst sites that can achieve a high impact in terms of identity and value creation. These sites form a polycentric urban archipelago, connected by the landscape of the Airport Corridor. Landscape innovation will be deployed to integrate climate mitigation, and will play a fundamental role as the ‘identity carrier’ for the airport area. Tapping into the government’s climate action plan that identifies reforestation as a top priority, the landscape concept connects the Airport Corridor into a national network of reforestation projects. A future oriented mobility vision comprising the Keflavík-Reykjavík Link (BRT), local public transport and active mobility linkages connects the airport area’s urban nodes for travellers, workers and inhabitants alike.

▼机场走廊景观概念示意,Airport Corridor Landscape Concept © Felixx



▼机场走廊景观策略,Landscape strategies for Airport Corridor © Felixx



▼Reykjavík交通规划平面图,标示了总站和中间站点的位置 Keflavík – Reykjavík Link site plan with locations of terminal and intermediate stations © MIC-KCAP



▼综合公共交通系统 – 汽车动线和活跃交通系统 Integrated system of Public Transport, Vehicle Circulation and Active Mobility © MIC-KCAP




为了将凯夫拉维克机场地区的总体规划框架转化为现实,多学科团队为“催化剂场地”的发展制定了一个富有凝聚力的渐进式战略。KCAP主管合伙人Anouk Kuitenbrouwer表示:“意义如此重大的项目要求我们提出一个既大胆又具有敏感度的方案。渐进式的策略将为投资者提供一条响应各种可能性、响应市场和发展文化以及各方利益相关者需要的、随时间变化的发展轨迹。这种循序渐进的方法同样也适用于利益相关者之间的关系的培养,即通过谨慎的发展来创建具有适应性和雄心的组织。将客户本身定位为具有前瞻性的、有能力实现变革的合作伙伴,这对于项目的未来至关重要。”

Different development strategies have been assigned to the catalyst sites, from greenfield interventions to the transformation and densification of existing built areas; carefully phased timelines allow for the different areas to be developed simultaneously and incrementally, according to market demand. The catalyst sites facilitate diversification into new sectors such as the production of green hydrogen, electric aviation, hi-tech agriculture, and marine aquaculture. Keflavík Airport Area will attract new high-value companies and create opportunities for a diverse workforce; the economic strategy will deepen the talent pool for innovative sectors by attracting international experts as well as improving educational opportunities for the local population. This is based on the team’s belief that knowledge and skills acquired overseas can be brought back to benefit the Icelandic economy, and that investment in economic development should also target the development of the labor force.

To transform the Masterplan Framework for Keflavík Airport Area into reality, the multidisciplinary team developed a cohesive yet incremental strategy for the catalyst sites. ‘A project of such significance requires a bold and at the same time sensitive approach. A step-by-step roadmap will provide investors with a trajectory that responds to the possibilities, to the market, to the culture of development and to the stakeholder landscape over time. This gradual approach should also apply to stakeholder relations, which need to be developed with great care so as to create a resilient and ambitious organisation,’ says Anouk Kuitenbrouwer, partner in charge at KCAP. Positioning Kadeco – the client – as a forward-looking collaborative partner, capable of realising a vision for change, is vital for the future of the project.

▼Ásbrú Airside高科技公园鸟瞰,Northwest view of the Eco-Tech Park at Ásbrú Airside © KCAP



Design Team KCAP, Zurich (urban planning and urban design) WSP, London (economic and real estate development, collaborative development and organisational readiness) Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners, Rotterdam (landscape architect) MIC Mobility in Chain, Milan (mobility and transport planning) VSO Consulting, Reykjavík (local coordination, urban planning) Buck Consultants International, Nijmegen/The Hague (cargo planning) Buro Happold, Berlin (climate and aviation mitigation, environmental performance and energy supply strategy) Base Design, Brussels (placemaking and wayfinding) Maurits Schaafsma, Amsterdam (airport area masterplanning) Amberg Loglay, Zurich (emerging aviation technologies) Kanon Arkitektar, Reykjavík (local architect and landscape architect) Client Kadeco (Keflavík Airport Development Company), Keflavík Program Strategic Masterplan for the development of the Keflavík Airport Area

Images, drawings, diagrams © KCAP, © Felixx, © MIC-KCAP


