2-LA Design collaborates with Sprandi to creating new product line ‘UNI”, 2-LA Design helps Sprandi to building brand new design language to cover 2 key elements:
1: Unique: Distinguish UNI from others, Oval design DNA is prefect element that balances function and visual
2: Universal: Satisfying mainstream aesthetic, making difference is easy, making beautiful difference requires hard work and sensitivity to trend and user
The Design effort that 2-LA Design and Sprandi put together created great business opportunity , “UNI” series first product “UNI Hero” becomes brand top seller since its launch​​​​​​​
2-LA Design 与 Sprandi 合作打造新产品线“UNI”,2-LA Design 帮助 Sprandi 构建全新的设计语言,涵盖两个关键要素: