

IDEO O2 , Award winner excellent of Residential Landscape Design TALA Award, carries out a concept which intricately connects the residents with nature by creating an urban forest enriched with biodiversity built around some spectacular activities right at their home. It is located in Bangna, a district facing many problems like increased traffic, air pollution, urban heat, and insufficient green spaces. The IDEO O2, being centered around promoting Zero-Carbon Residents, is strategically close to the Sky train station, thereby making public transportation more attractive to the locals, thus alleviating some of Bangna’s problems by reducing car usage and promoting greener living standards.

IDEO O2 是 TALA 住宅景观设计优秀奖获得者,通过创建一个充满生物多样性的城市森林,围绕他们家中的一些壮观活动,将居民与自然错综复杂地联系起来。它位于班纳,该地区面临着交通增加、空气污染、城市热度和绿地不足等许多问题。IDEO O2 以促进零碳居民为中心,战略性地靠近天空火车站,从而使公共交通对当地人更具吸引力,从而通过减少汽车使用和提高绿色生活水平来缓解班纳的一些问题。

With the aim of adding oxygen and cooling down the city, the concept of O2=oxygen was successfully implemented by adding outdoor gardens and recreational spaces. The design of IDEO O2 has a unique three-layered green corridor that offers activities underground, on the ground and above ground. The activities like the elevated bike, jogging trail and swimming pools are conveniently linked to serve their specific purposes in the designated outdoor space, giving residents a chance at a happier and healthier lifestyle.

为了增加氧气并为城市降温,通过增加户外花园和休闲空间,成功实现了 O2=氧气的概念。 IDEO O2的设计有一个独特的三层绿色走廊,提供地下、地面和地上活动。高架自行车、慢跑径和游泳池等活动在指定的室外空间内方便地连接起来以实现其特定目的,让居民有机会享受更快乐、更健康的生活方式。


The new master plan carries on the concept of O2, Oxygen, that is to provide outdoor gardens and recreational spaces up to 60% of total area, adding oxygen and at the same time cooling down the heat from the city. To upgrade people’s living quality, IDEO O2 launched the new vision of a healthier living lifestyle by offering the ultimate public green space for the residents’ recreation and encouraging people to stay active and stay in shape with a wide range of outdoor activities right at their home.

新的总体规划延续了O2,氧气的概念,即提供高达总面积60%的户外花园和休闲空间,在增加氧气的同时冷却城市的热量。为提升人们的生活品质,IDEO O2推出了更健康的生活方式新愿景,为居民提供终极公共绿地休闲娱乐,鼓励人们在家中进行各种户外活动,保持活力和保持体形。

To solve the challenge of long and narrow property, the design team used water as a key landscape element by interpreting the curve and dynamic form of water and integrated the design with plant materials, as a result tiding urban and natural context together. With the curve gesture, the design team creates the dynamic space that welcomes people to the site and will not let them feel the irregularity of the site’s property.



SEE MORE (来自)   Redland-scape.ltd